Worst day ever

Nov 04, 2010 11:46

OK, not EVER- but it did suck pretty bad.

Monday, I was feeling pretty good. I had an appointment over in SE that day, but it was later than usual. I figured that I had cash, everything would be fine. I had thought the day before about my October bus pass expiring, but I must have forgotten.

I walked to the bus stop for my connector bus-- farther away than just waiting at the closest stop, but it makes me feel better. I pulled out my bus pass & realized that it had expired. Then I realized that I hadn't gotten cash, and I didn't have any cash or change for bus fare.

Skip my other bizarre thought processes to calling a cab. It took about half an hour to get to me. (this cab company is maybe 5 or 10 minutes by car.) Did I mention that it was raining? So, they finally got there & I get in, (20 minutes into my appointment. If I'd known, I would have walk to another ATM)... but now the bridge was raised, so we had to wait. I finally got there & realized that my phone had fallen out in the cab.

The rain never let up & I think it got harder,but I just had to walk for awhile. I got to this one place where it looked like a pile of wet leaves covering a curb cutout, but was actually a huge puddle. I hit the curb wrong & went almost all the way over into the puddle with my walker. I didn't realize that I'd lost my Visa card until later. The card is canceled, now. One less thing to worry about

I came to Burger King & thought I might be able to get cash back for bus fare there, but I peeked in & it didn't look like they could help me... so I walked down the sidewalk in front of the door... to what looked liked it was flat sidewalk leading to the drive through. It wasn't. I went off the edge. Before you say anything, yes I did go inside to report it & leave my info.

Much later,I FINALLY got a cab home. I was thoroughly soaked & miserable.
I can't help looking back & thinking that I should have just laid there in the drive through, for awhile. Let a car hit me..... Maybe I should've called an ambulance from there, or something. Even though I wasn't hurt that bad. I wish I had not used my hand to catch myself.
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