Dead and Alive [Harry Potter]

Jun 30, 2016 22:07

Title: Dead and Alive
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: James/Lily
Summary: Two scenes from Hogwarts.
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 853
Creator's Notes: Thank you to birdsofshore, whose prompt was breathless. I love sensory prompts and that one worked well for me-- so well I almost passed and let this grow into the longer piece it kind of wants to be. Unbeta'd. Written for wand_in_a_knot.

Dead and Alive

She shook with fear as she clung to James Potter's arm. She hated him, or ought to hate him. For years, his presence had brought her only annoyance, but running to him in the alleyway behind the Hog's Head, she felt pure relief. She knew there was someone following her, and these were dark times.

"Oy, Evans," Potter's voice strained to capture some of his usual lightness, but his eyes were clear and focused as he peered into the shadows.

"You heard it too?" she asked.

"Yeah," he whispered. "They're canceling the rest of Hogsmeade Weekend. Nixie Rider's mum was attacked just ten minutes ago right in front of the Leaky."

Lily gasped. Nixie was in the same year as they were, so Lily of course knew her, though not well. Nixie's brother was a seventh year and had invited his parents to his graduation ceremony earlier this morning. Mrs. Rider was a Muggleborn witch, and a good one, accomplished with spellwork. She had been attacked? Outside the Leaky Cauldron? "Is she alright?"

"Yeah, I reckon," James said, finally raising his voice as they left the alley. "Mrs. Rider's no slouch with a wand. I think she got a shot off at her attacker. We decided to split and find you though."


"My lot. Y'know. Honestly it was Sirius's idea."

"I didn't know Black was capable of something so extraordinary as ideas."

James didn't laugh, or even defend Sirius. Instead, he shrugged easily and said, "He knows how this lot--"

A flash of green light swelled over the rooftops of Hogsmeade. Breathless, Lily felt her fear choking her. Her fingers dug into James, and without speaking the two of them broke into a run. For once in her life, Lily was glad it was James beside her. Only James would have run as she did-- towards the green light. Someone was dead.


For weeks, they had circled around to it, sharing small kisses and long ones, deep ones and shallow ones, but never much more. Once he put his hand under her shirt, she thought was was content enough, but nothing had quite compared to this. It had been both fast and slow-- he had moved quickly and without hesitation to flip up the hem of her skirt, but her panties provided a more significant psychological barrier. His long fingers brushed the edges in a silent question. "Yes," she whispered, and it was all he needed. Suddenly his fingers were winding in the hair of her sex, dipping shallowly between her wet folds as she gasped. Then one of his fingers was inside of her and the air left her lungs in a flutter of surprised ecstasy.

"This alright?" He asked even while he pushed in deeper.

Unable to speak-- unable to breath, she nodded frantically and tried to drive him deeper.

"Merlin, Lily, it's so soft."

He had never called her Lily before. They'd been together three months and she was always Evans. But it made a kind of sense, now. He was the closest she had ever been to anyone, the only one she would ever let do this, let share this, because she trusted him more than she had ever trusted anyone. "James," she said, and it came out small and hoarse.

James, in response, slipped another finger in. She thought it might not fit. She had never had anything bigger than her finger or her wand inside her. But he applied gentle pressure until she felt his second finger enter her. She was so full, so entirely full of him. She wanted him to feel as amazing as he was making her feel, but the tiny space under the west stairs did not give her much room to maneuver, and her own body didn't give her much time. His thumb clumsily brushed her clit once, twice, and then she was coming, her body clenching his fingers. Her vision dimmed at the edges. She hadn't been breathing in what felt like ages but must have only been moments. Finally, the sensation faded enough that she was able to breath deep, to drag air in to her spent lungs. She gasped and stumbled, pushing his hand away as the odd feeling of over-sensation hit her.

James laughed, and she wanted to hit him for it. She might have, but at that moment a head popped around the corner.

"James," Sirius said, "There you are. I've got to get to Transfigs or it'll be my third time late this week and that's automatic detention. I was wondering where..." His eyes blinked between James and Lily.

James didn't answer Sirius. His eyes were locked on Lily's and she noticed that he, like her, was breathing too heavily, panting almost.

Sirius backed away slowly. "Uh, right. Well, bye." He walked away trying much too hard to seem casual.

"I've got to..." James gestured helplessly towards the hallway. "Transfiguration."

"Yeah," Lily sighed stupidly.

"See you at dinner."


As James disappeared from sight, Lily slid to ground. Her legs were too shaky and she couldn't quite manage class in this condition. Instead, she laughed, and shook, and breathed, and knew she was in love. For a moment, she forgot the war, and knew only that she was alive.

character: lily evans, length: 500-2000 words, !fandom: harry potter, pairing: lily/james

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