Okay. Baseball. I'm sure many of you have already heard America babbling on and on and on about it. So this is where the administrative part comes in
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Baseball is a game played with a bat and ball. There are two teams of nine players and it lasts nine innings. During an inning, each team gets a chance to bat and play on the field. The pitcher throws the ball to the batter, and the batter tries to hit the ball into the field. A player has to proceed around the diamond and a team scores once a player crosses home plate. Each team gets three outs before they're done batting. An out is three strikes. A strike is missing the ball three times during batting. It doesn't have to be in a row, either. Just three times. An out is also made if a player on the opposite team catches the ball after it is hit or if they throw it to a base before a player running to it makes it to the base.
[He can't help but sigh softly as he nods in agreement.] It does take a bit of skill, yes. One needs to catch and throw the ball as well as be able to hit it.
But with a little practice, it can be picked up easily enough as I think the hardest part is really the hitting.
[It doesn't really seem to bother him.] To be perfectly fair, I was sort of pulled into this without much say. If I were to be frank with you, I'd prefer trying to play Quidditch over baseball, but I sadly missed the intial push.
I did agree to give baseball a try if America said he'd play Quidditch. [rubs a hand through his hair] Still don't see how it'll be interesting without anything flying-- but I said I would.
If you'd still like to play Quidditch, though, I might be having people come try to actually play for positions pretty soon. It's never too late.
You know... I can make sure that America comes to try Quidditch. [Whether America likes it or not.] Though I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not. He can be obsessive.
Comments 81
I'm a good pitcher, Mattie...
Baseball is a game played with a bat and ball. There are two teams of nine players and it lasts nine innings. During an inning, each team gets a chance to bat and play on the field. The pitcher throws the ball to the batter, and the batter tries to hit the ball into the field. A player has to proceed around the diamond and a team scores once a player crosses home plate. Each team gets three outs before they're done batting. An out is three strikes. A strike is missing the ball three times during batting. It doesn't have to be in a row, either. Just three times. An out is also made if a player on the opposite team catches the ball after it is hit or if they throw it to a base before a player running to it makes it to the base.
An interesting game. It sounds as though it requires refined skills.
But with a little practice, it can be picked up easily enough as I think the hardest part is really the hitting.
But to answer your question, yes. I am Canada.
[forgive his attitude.]
If you'd still like to play Quidditch, though, I might be having people come try to actually play for positions pretty soon. It's never too late.
I- I wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes.
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