Christmas ads from Aotearoa NZ

Dec 18, 2017 11:05

I've been having a discussion about Christmas stories and traditions, and secret Santa which reminded me of this Farmers (department store) TV ad about one. There are not many ads I don't FF through or mute, but these are among them.

image Click to view

I should add that the milk and biscuits/cookies are an American import. Note: yes, it's summer here ( Read more... )

nz, tv, xmas

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Comments 4

imhilien December 18 2017, 04:57:30 UTC
I love the Farmers and the 'Are You Santa?' ads. :)

I was at a sci-fi BBQ in the weekend and we played Evil Secret Santa; I got a Star Wars mug (small size yay) and some chocolate. :)


vilakins December 18 2017, 05:20:08 UTC
Nothing evil about that!


vjezkova December 18 2017, 20:33:45 UTC
This is very nice - there is a spirit in it.


vilakins December 18 2017, 21:10:33 UTC
I like them all a lot, especially because unlike most ads they're not shouting at me to buy things.


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