[multi-chap] Plotting wth the devil 1/??

Jun 03, 2011 19:57

Title: Plotting with the devil
Author: vikyfaxerfeit 
Genre: angst, romance
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13 for now................LOL

Disclaimer: i don't own Arashi nor the other idols who will appear.....but i wish to claim them as mine in the future ùù maybe i could buy the Jimusho xD

As always Sakurai Sho was going to end his night at the Blue Rose, his favurite Host Club.

"Sakurai-sama, Irasshaimasen!"

Sho greeted with a gesture of his hand, then said:

"I'm alone tonight. I'd like the company of Jun".

"Of course!"

Since Sakurai-san was a famous and regular guest, he was always given the best service, so, although he was booked to another guest, Jun apologized politely and went to Sakurai's table. Jun Matsumoto was Blue Rose's N.1, the best host that club would wish for. That night his assistant was a newbie and Sakurai was curious.

"What's your name?"

"Aiba Masaki desu".

"He's really handsome. I bet he could become the next N.1, if he pay more attention of what he's doing".

"It's just my second day so i'm still a bit clumsy but i'll give my best to improve".

"I hope so!"

Sho took a cigarette from his pocket and Aiba lighted it right away.


Aiba just smiled politely.

"How's your work Sakurai-san?"

"Great...too great. I think i will fall anytime".

"What work do you do?"

"I work in a lawyer office".

"Sugoi! So you're a lawyer".

"He's one of the best lawyer of Japan".


"Yes, he's very famous here in Tokyo".

"Jun-kun, don't exagerate!"

"I didn't know, sumanai" said Aiba embarassed, "I just came here from Chiba".


"Hai! It's my hometown, did you ever go to Chiba?"

"Iie, is it good?"

"It's realy great! The weather, the sea, ..."

Sho was looking at that new guy who explained everything wth a bright and natural smile. And that smile was gving to Sho a lot of energy without any patcular reason or logic making his heart skip a beat.

"Do you mind keeping me company tonight?"

"Of course! I'm glad to chat with you so freely".

"I mean at my home".

Here it comes! Jun explained that often guests would ask to have sex with him and that sometimes he couldn't refuse. In that short silence, Aiba felt a killing look starring at him and understood that was one of those few times. He smiled shyly and showing himself confident, said:


~ tbc ~

Arigachu gozaimasu to tomoyo_w for the title!! xD
i couldn't think of it without her ~♥~
good reading!! ^^

*fanfic: ohmiya, *artist: arashi, *g: angst, - multi-chap, *fanfic: sakuraiba

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