Supernatural fic rec post?

Feb 09, 2010 12:57

So I'm curious: I know a lot of my flist doesn't seem to care about Supernatural, but I've read massive amounts of good fic for the series over the years. I'd love to make a fic rec post, but on the other hand, I'm afraid I'd just be wasting hours chasing down links and correcting HTML for nothing. So, a poll to help me out:

Poll Supernatural fic recs?

[fandom] spn tv, i is stupid, things nobody cares about

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Comments 28

bard_linn February 9 2010, 21:53:33 UTC
Dean+Sam+Castiel. And I'll admit that in Supernatural, I prefer gen over anything else - but I do read all of the ones I clicked in various fandoms, so...

I read Supernatural fic before I saw the series, got through season one but never went back to it. >.>


vikki February 9 2010, 23:28:59 UTC
Dean and Sam teamed up, and Castiel doing anything at all, usually make up my favorite fics. =D Like you I prefer genfic but I've read some pretty epic slash, too. Erm.

I understand. I think season 2 is probably the best season when taken as a whole, followed by 4, but season 1 is still my favorite ..


kageno_tenshi February 9 2010, 22:41:42 UTC
Heh, if I keep responding to you, I'm gonna have to give up my stalker license... >.>...

I admit, I found you because of Supernatural, so I've read quite a bit of fic, already. But, I always seem to get bogged down by how -massive- the fandom is! I seem to miss out on so much, really. Also, I admit to only getting into the show in season four, so my reading is terribly limited...

Of course, since I started stal... reading your lj, I've read and enjoyed almost every fic you've recced (I've got several from the rec earlier today open in tabs and waiting, as we speak), so I'd love to see what you have to rec from my current favorite fandom. ^_^

On a side note, it's snowing, again?!?! Are you sure it's not always like this? *doesn't like*


vikki February 9 2010, 23:32:22 UTC
The reason why I'm offering this fic rec post is because you would not believe the number of people I have friended solely because of their contributions to the SPN fandom - people that dropped out years ago, or people whose fic I read back in 2005, or people who do great art or picspams or meta. I have a decent collection, so I'm trawling through my f-list and pickint out my favorites from each author ...

I'm glad you're enjoying my fic recs! Hopefully what I pull out of SPN will be to your tastes as well.

I KNOW WHAT THE HELL. Seriously, us getting more than a foot of snow in a whole winter is unusual. Over seven feet of snow this winter? That's ... unheard of. I'm sorry you got here just in time for such a rough winter.


kageno_tenshi February 9 2010, 23:55:55 UTC
META! I've never actually read such coherent and fucking epic meta in fandom as the ones you find in Supernatural. It's my not-so-secret love, really. Does that make me a nerd?

And, thank you, really. It sounds like you're putting a lot of effort into this, which is really very awesome of you. If I ever see you at a con, I'll have to buy you a warm drink, or something. ^_^

And, seriously, I'm being a big baby about the snow, yes, but -still-. My mom's originally from Chicago. I bet her and President Obama are laughing about our panic together, right now. Bastards.


vikki February 10 2010, 05:02:06 UTC
Dude, no, I totally agree on the meta front! I was so sad when I found out the DW fandom has, like, none of that. D= You can find good fic in just about every fandom, but not every fandom has good meta. SPN fen is overflowing with it!

The effort has been put in. It's as complete as I could manage without falling asleep in front of the computer. XD;; I'll hold you to the warm drink. >D

Naaaah, you're not. Snow response around here sucks. So three feet isn't a big deal in Michigan? Maybe they'd feel differently if we traded snow emergency response teams, thanks. >___>;;;


inteligrrl February 9 2010, 23:43:15 UTC
Apparently I'm the lone wincest fangirl here, but when I used to read it SamxDean was pretty much all I read. At some point I'd like to find a decently up to date rec list for the newer stuff and catch up on that side of the fandom. That said, the best SPN fic's I've read lately are John/Jo (dreamlittleyo does some great stuff), and rageprufrock's unfinished Dean/Cas AU.


vikki February 10 2010, 04:57:52 UTC
Epic Rec Post is Epic, and it has tons of plotfic, genfic, slashfic (mostly D/C), Dean&Sam, Castiel, and whump.

I don't know if you've ever heard of ignipes, but she's one of the few writers I trust with Wincest; I've linked her in the rec post. :)


inteligrrl February 13 2010, 00:27:06 UTC
Thanks, I've read her bandom stuff, but I didn't realize she did SPN too. I'll have to check her out.


water_soter February 10 2010, 02:31:49 UTC
Yes, I love this fandom! Wish list would be Dean-centered fics with no incest or het parings. Pretty please!!!


vikki February 10 2010, 04:59:17 UTC
Your wish is granted. I'd say about 30 out of the 36 fics I've recced are genfic, and probably 29 of those have significant amounts of Dean in them. =D Hope this helps you find stories you like!


water_soter February 10 2010, 06:07:11 UTC
Oh Vikki I could kiss you, but I won't heh, so no worries. :-P I'm surprised you didn't rec Sodakey, Emma15 and Janissa since they are brilliant SPN writers and all gen. Also, L Burke and Ridley C James and their Brotherhood AU that's brilliant! even if Ridley doesn't paint John in the most favorable light.


vikki February 10 2010, 06:26:38 UTC
Hey! I got Janissa in there! XD 'Red Beans and Rice' is her fic!

Emma15 - I'm surprised I forgot her! Gaaah, my mistake. Haven't seen Sodakey, L Burke, or Ridley, though; now I've got some new authors to look up as well, sweet. ♥ I've trolled all over the SPN fandom, but I'm not omniscient, sadly. D= also I have a huge gap of fanfic knowledge because after 'leaving' the SPN fandom back in 2007, I never came back to the Dean&Sam side of things because of all the Wincest. >___>;;


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