Your Score: 12", Holly, Dragon
You scored 36 wisdom, 38 bravery, 15 emotional, and 22 martyrdom!
Holly is a powerful protective wood that good for use against evil, but it also represents dreams and fertility. Your dragon's heartstring core makes your wand very effective in hexes.
The Harry Potter Wand Test written by
sputnik845 on
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Comments 11
Did you take my advice about watching the movie Mrs. Dalloway?
I haven't watched the movie Mrs. Dalloway yet. I only have about 30 pages of the book left, but it's so slow... Septimus was my favorite character and he killed himself, so I'm a little out of sorts about that!
I have to watch the movie as part of my assignment though, so I'll probably see it this weekend. Speaking of which, is Friday or Saturday night a better time for you as far as Hugh Laurie/Knitting Night goes?
Saturday is better. Friday evening I need to take care of Lesley's horses. *bounces* I can't wait!!
*ears prick up* Why yes. Yes you do :-).
I'm sorry you have to read the book second! I wouldn't be able to stand it!
i dont know but i'm very curious!
yeah, we'll see how long me waiting lasts. I might read it at the samer time as him just while he's at work or something :-) hehe because it's SOOO not cool when he knows things and the ending when i dont! we're driving to Kings island tomorrow so i think he plans on reading it on the drive up and all sunday so he might be done before too far into the week :-D
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