DRABBLE; Of chatterboxes and shenanigans

Feb 02, 2010 01:20

Of chatterboxes and shenanigans ; HoSu
roselit @ paperside
G ; 251w.
There's such a thing as taking advantage of the gullible.
A/N: Written spur-of-the-moment for sunshineyes, with the following prompt: if himme could have wished for anything, what would he have wished for? ... something exciting, but really exciting, like love, or a mission, or an idea that would take the world forward by light years from The Nimrod Flip-Out ("Himme") by Etgar Keret. Special thanks to mcgrjc6 for helping me decide on the title.


"You know what I'm going to do two weeks from now? I'm going to have that time machine made and I'm going to fast forward to the World Cup so that I don't have to wait for forever, because it kind of feels like forever until-you're not listening, are you?"

Yunho makes an unflattering display of choking on his coffee and meets Junsu's gaze from across the café booth.

"Mmm?" he manages intelligently as he wipes his chin.

"You're not listening," Junsu repeats, visibly deflating, and Yunho thinks it's cute the way a flicker of disappointment brings a half-pout to his face.

"Nonsense, I'm all ears," Yunho says in defense as he tucks the coffee-stained napkin under his cup's saucer.

"And eyes," Junsu adds, "or else you wouldn't be looking somewhere behind me the entire time."

"Is that jealousy I hear?" Yunho has a brilliant grin across his lips.

"No," Junsu answers immediately (a little too fast, and Yunho's smile widens), "but I'm not about to turn around to stare. You've been doing that enough already, I'm going to spare the poor girl-"

"Who says it's a girl?"

Junsu swallows the rest of his sentence and turns around, eyes prying and searching. Yunho bites the inside of his cheek and tries not to burst out laughing.

When Junsu turns back around again, Yunho's already leaning over the table and it takes Junsu two seconds to realize that Yunho's lips are over his.

Junsu forgets the retort he had planned.


A/N: Yeah, I know, I strayed too far from the prompt. lol.
But comments are appreciated, as always. ♥

p: yunho/junsu, drabble: of chatterboxes and shenanigans, rating: g, #fic: drabble, #access: public

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