Title: Behind the Camera
Genre: General, romance, basically fluff with a splash of good ole' angst.
Words (including theme names): 2,652
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU, wh00t.
Will I ever get rid of my NejiLee obsession?! D: *is sad* Oh, and hopefully this will contine on being a chapter story rather than a one-shot with a weird, cliff-hangerish ending. XD
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Comments 17
“Ah, sorry, I didn’t realize I had the stylus in my hand when I walk talking. I just had to take a note of one of his pictures. lack end quotation. >_>;;
Now that Im done nitpicking, ZOMGNEWSTORY?THISISGREAT! *throws party like items pickles, popcorn, and porn! into the air with a festive abandon* This is wonderful! Your story is wonderful! I want to see more~! Ple~ase?!
^___^ I love Lee~ And I really want to see how you'll have them interact. And probably I just want to see how you'll characterize Neji. ^_^ Thanks for the story! I hope to see more!
*tackles teh pr0n* <3<3 ;D Porn is like, teh ultimate luv. =D I don't know about another chapter. I don't have a very good track record with completing chapter stories. Sowwie....still, I'll try. ^-^ It'll take oh...a year or so though. XD
Oh my gosh, I don't wanna even think about how I'll write Neji. o.o; I just hope I don't make him uber!emo!Neji. If I do that, I won't be able to tell the difference between him and Sasuke. XD
And I would resent that, because I really want to see more of this. X3 It's an interesting plot, I can so see Neji as a model.
.. Ack, you make me want to watch The Devil wears Prada once again because of all this stylish modelly atmosphere thing. °_°; Usually I don't fancy AUs, but this is really good. <3
Please continue? *does the Puppy EyesTM*
I wanted to see it so badly, but when I went to the dollar *cough*two*cough* theatre, it wasn't there no more. D: This is my first AU, so I'm glad a non-AU reader read it. XD SELF ESTEEM HAS RISEN! TeH aWeSoMe PoWeR oF yOuTh!!!adfjkkl;lksjfd ^o^
Great job, btw. I think you've captured the modeling business well, and Sakura's a scary makeup artist. XD I especially loved the part about the flower, Neji's eyes, and how Lee felt he knew something special about him because of his little observation. ^.^;;
American's Next Top Model suddenly sparked the idea of a model!AU Naruto ficcy. Darn Tyra Banks. XDDD
Why don't I see YOU posting anything? That one fic of yours had me rolling on the floor, squealing, but I have yet to see any more NejiLee goodness spout from your brain. =/
Sincerely yours, moi and moi's girlfriend ~ ♥
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