Okay, we have a list!
If you would like to run / VJ / moderate any of the following (you can do more than one) please comment and I'll make it yours all yours. Once we have these sorted, we'll be onto deadlines and scheduling sharpish. If you have any questions let me know :)
For more details on all of these, you can find the full info
over here.
And, again, if worries about tech put you off VJing or Paneling or whatnot, there will be full support so you're covered.
Vid Shows
Made In The UK - vids from UK shows
charmaxBeyond the Realm of Shows - vid meta, beyond the glee
millyliciousTelevision (Super)Heroes - our TV heroes
counteragentCelebrating Fandom - fandom rocks, tell us why
lapillus &
jackiekjonoUnexpected Choices - vids that strike from left field
buffyannShiny Happy People - Happy, pretty vids of an angst-free nature
thedivinegoatSlash Vids - a show made of slashy goodness
talitha78Grrl Power - Women kicking ass and taking names, gum may or may not be involved
par_avionMan Power - Men kicking ass and taking names, gum still may or may not be involved
deathisyourart SUGGESTED VID SHOWS ALL TAKEN! If you would like to come up with a brand new theme for a show to put together, please do! Just comment below.
Okay, Panels are literally panels where one or more people consist field questions from the audience and/or present their topic. Call it show and tell.
Workshops are more interactive in a "bring your glitter pens" kind of way. I've put some Panels and Workshop suggestions together because I think it would be quite possible to have a panel about, say, movement in vids and then a workshop that's more practical. So if you would like to run one of these, please specify if you would like to do that as a Panel or as a Workshop (or both!)
The Motion Effect - movement in vids, keeping a vid flowing
Rhythm - how to maintain the energy of a vid, is it possible to make a good vid longer than 5 minutes?
Vidding Structure - building a narrative, character/relationship studies and AUs -
halcyon_shiftRhythm - how to maintain the energy of a vid, is it possible to make a good vid longer than 5 minutes?
talitha78Vidding Theory & Meta
nushanakt Workshops
Working with Aspect Ratios
High Quality Rendering 101