Vid Recommendation Post #3 - Instrumental/Classical music

Oct 03, 2009 12:44

Thanks so much to all the people who recommended Red-themed vids last month. There's six wonderful vids in five different fandoms in all shades and meanings of RED right over -> HERE! <- So why not wander over and check them out! :)

The theme for this month is the prompt Instrumental/Classical music.

So if you have a favourite vid with an instrumental or classical flair to the music choice, please do tell us all about it here.

This post will remain open until November 1st (or whenever the next rec post goes up).

Please copy-paste the below format to make your rec.

Vid title:
Vidder name:
Your recommendation:

I'll come back and edit the post as I can, so there will be a list of recs organised by fandom under this cut. Keep 'em coming!

Ashes to Ashes
Vid title: Nothing Else Matters
Vidder name: rhoboat
Your recommendation: The story of season one. A2A is a very visual, viddable source and rhoboat is a vidder who understands music so she is the very best person you could have asked for to work with this very beautiful cover by Apocalyptica (a band famous for Metallica covers with four cellos).

Vid title: Starting on a Journey
Vidder name: Kay
Fandom/s: The Last Samurai
Your recommendation: Gorgeous vid focusing on Katsumoto and Ujio (and 99% Tom Cruise-free!). It's beautifully edited by a vidder who knows how to use the music to build to an emotional climax.
Link: (site is password protected, but info sent via auto-reply).

Vid title: Kingdom of Heaven
Vidder name: Jake AKA PowerMonkey
Fandom/s: Kingdom of Heaven
Your recommendation: Masterful display of editing and how to create emotion with an instrumental piece.
Link: (scroll down it's the 5th vid from the top)

Vid title: You're Real
Vidder name: Loki, or secretlytodream
Your recommendation: It's amazing and heartbreaking and gorgeous, with the music and the voiceovers and the moody colouring and artistic cropping of the clips, and it gives me chills every single time I watch it. Which is as often as I possibly can.

Vid title: Initium Finis
Vidder name: 404ing/Coty
Your recommendation: It's completely, utterly, and SHOCKINGLY amazing. Just a simple instrumental piece combined with simple and straightforward clips and the occasional voiceover, but somehow the vidder managed to completely rewrite the canon of the show and leave you gasping for breath at how BELIEVABLE it is. Not to mention how bone-chillingly disturbing and horrifying.

Stargate: Atlantis
Vid title: Once More (...with feeling)
Vidder name: Pertifity
Your recommendation: One of the first vids I downloaded and then kept on my computer. It captures the spirit of the show so well - I adore it. It starts really slow but then gathers you as it hits its strid... Like I said - much love :)
Link: On Pertifity's vid page - (roughly half way down)

Vid title: Welcome Home
Vidder name: permetaform
Your recommendation: An awe-inspiringly tender and powerful look at Elizabeth.

vid title: dark room
vidder name: sol_se
your recommendation: a gorgeous, clever & heartbreaking gwen vid

rec post: instrumental/classical, rec post, prompt: instrumental/classical

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