October Vidder Profile

Oct 27, 2009 10:31

This month's video profile spotlights charmax.
Click here to download the profile as a 82mb wmv

Click link to watch in HQ on You Tube, or stream at 560x340 below:

image Click to view

Vimeo stream
Password: gonefishing

image You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com

BAM stream coming soon

In it, she discusses why she vids, how she has evolved, her inspirations, her approach to effects, and more. The profile includes excerpts from the following vids (in order of appearance):

"Seven Nation Army" (Multi), VVC 2009
"Angel With An Attitude" (Pushing Daisies) Feb. 2008
"Smile" (BtVS/AtS) 2004 (2009 remaster)
"Still Breathing" (BtVS/AtS) June 2007
"Unnatural Selection" (Multi) March 2009
"Club Foot" (Life On Mars) May 2006
"Protege Moi" (Supernatural) October 2006
"Candleburn" (Firefly) September 2006
"Birth of a Geisha" (Memoirs of a Geisha) April 2007
"Tanglewood Tree" (Fingersmith) VVC 2008
"Boom Boom Ba" (Xena) October 2004
"Mambo Italiano" (Alias) July 2006
"I'm Your Man" (Multi) July 2008
"No Bravery" (Troy) Sept. 2005

You can see all of her vids at her LJ or at her site, Bronze Ambition.

I hope you enjoy this month's profile. Feel free to share your thoughts here about the topics discussed in the vid, or about the vidder profile series as a whole.

[director] bradcpu, vidder profile, [vidder] charmax

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