Drabble123 Scorpius-- 17 tamper

Aug 17, 2009 16:48

Title: Grades
Author: victoriecaden
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairing: Scorpius Malfoy
Table: Law and Order
Prompt: 17. Tamper
Rating: K
Warnings: nextgen
Word Count: 300
Summary: Scopius messes up someone's potion
Notes: none

So, Scorpius knew that it was wrong. He crept into the office where Professor Snape kept the potions to grade and grabbed one of them, swapping it out with his own concoction, and then slipped back out.
The next morning he debated on whether or not to go back and try to swap them back, really it wasn't like him to mess with another student's work, but this person deserved it, this person just kept copying him.
Scorpius didn't see the fist that came out of no where, grabbing him by the color of his robes.
“If it isn't the little Death Eater.”
Scorpius blinked, and stared into the eyes of one of the biggest first years at Hogwarts. “What do you want?”
“Don't talk to me that way.” Scorpius flinched as the first fist came down, striking him in the face. Blood poured from his nose.
“Leave him alone,” a voice shouted from behind. Scorpius turned and smiled as his friend walked up wand out. The guys ran, dropping him.
Rose helped him up, “you shouldn't walk and daydream at the same time,” she said.
Scorpius nodded as the two of them walked up to the school.

The next day, Scorpius watched Snape hand out their grades.
He heard a satisfied snarl behind him and stifled his laugh.
“Sir, how could I get a D on this?”
“Well, I would say you didn't try,” Snape informed him, handing back Scorpius's paper.
Scorpius was relieved to see an O on his paper.
“It's impossible, he gets an Outstanding, I get a Dreadful”
“how is that impossible?” Snape asked
“I copied from him, we should make the same grade.”
Scorpius left the class while a smile lit up his face, and his friends by his side, perfect, happy ending, all the way.
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