I was so terribly lonely a few days ago. Every time I believe there may be a possibility that I have exorcized these spells of loneliness, another one overcomes me. I got this call the next day from this girl who I hadn't talked to in months. I told her a story of something that happened to me, the psychology of which she picked up so quickly. It was nice to have her read me so well, but there has been nothing sexual between us and may never be. I've been doing well at escaping those tensions lately. I also spent some time with a new acquaintance which I think livened things up a bit. I think the key is turning that yearning for something outside yourself to the realization that much of what you've convinced yourself that you're missing is right there within you. Other people will come around, but first the focus has to be put there. In these days of which so many deranged and shallow women surround us, a man needs to protect himself. Too many have turned gay already.
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