The Phase

Apr 25, 2011 17:42

So this was... weird. I just was trying to write a simple Klaine fic at the beginning and then I thought about how the actors would react and then Darren just took over my head and refused to let go. He and his damn dapper self, I must say.

This is a Glee RPF. I'm a big fan of the show and the actors so this story is not meant to disrespect them. It's just something that personally, I like a lot. I think that Darren and Chris would make a terrific couple on-set and off. They're wonderful together.

Please do not tweet this to the actors. I would be more than mortified if that were to happen. As I said, I don't mean any disrespect for them, I just like to write and I like these boys and their ways.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this thing. I would like to say the biggest thank you ever to my dear beta, scissormirror, she's been incredibly helpful and got me through the experience of writing in english to be more gratifying.

I am not an english native speaker but this was beta'd, so I hope it's okay. If you like Glee, I might have a couple of stories in my profile, but they're in spanish.

So... I'll just leave you to it, then. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it.

The Phase

They were walking down the hallway, noticing its emptiness. Of course, it was an extra-curricular activity so there weren't many students in the school after hours. Otherwise Blaine wouldn't have had the courage to push Kurt against the lockers to steal a very much heated kiss from his lips before walking inside the choir room for an emergency meeting regarding a set list. Kurt just gasped inside his mouth once he felt Blaine's weight push him against those lockers, but he responded to the kiss very quickly once he started to enjoy it. Anyhow they were forced to split when they heard a "wanky" near them, Santana walking by them alongside Brittany, their pinkies joined. The girls walked inside the choir room while both boys recovered from the kiss and the embarrassment, but the most embarrassing thing was that, without noticing it, Blaine was petting Kurt's behind while they were kissing. Kurt just smiled awkwardly once they recovered, and pointed that they should enter the room before they had more witnesses viewing their displays of affection.

Blaine stood there behind him wondering why on earth had he done that, but then when he took a thorough look at Kurt's outfit it all just hit him: he was wearing incredibly skin-tight jeans that marked the curves on his body so perfectly that Blaine couldn't just resist the urge to touch Kurt's behind in the first place.

"Cut!" They heard Ryan say when the camera took a better close-up of Darren's flustered face as he stared at Chris's bottom. The director came close to him to pat him in the back for a good effort and Chris just smiled with the rest of the cast inside the choir room calling it a wrap for the day.

Darren was incredibly mortified. The behind-grabbing action he just got wasn't in the script at all, it was all the heat of the moment and he just couldn't hold himself back. Just a few members of the cast saw it, fortunately, but the thing is that he was going to have to deal with it eventually when Chris and he would have to walk back to his trailer to pick up their stuff, because they were rehearsing before shooting the scene.

Chris actually stayed in the set talking to Amber and Jenna about something and Darren asked him if he could retrieve his things and then give them back to him in order to avoid future awkwardness. Chris just nodded, wrapped in the conversation as he was, and Darren just took it lightly while he walked back to the trailer by himself.

When he was heading to the place Lea walked to him and poked him in the shoulder. Darren turned around to face her and when he looked at her smile he wasn't sure he was going to like whatever she was going to tell him.

"So." She started, eyeing him from head to toe. "You totally grabbed Chris's ass while you were shooting. Thank God the only one who saw that was the cameramen, Naya and Heather, and of course me, because I mean...That was hot. And actually pretty obvious, but that was not on the script at all."

"W…" He didn't even know how to answer to that, mortified as he was already. "I just don't know what got into me."

"Oh, you do know. I've noticed the way you've been looking at him lately, Darren. You seem more like Blaine as the days go by."

He tried to deny it, but he definitely couldn't have even if he was willing to. He knew it was going to be a lie, a disgusting one, to deny his ever-growing attraction to Chris Colfer once their characters started being an item.

"And we've been shooting for the past 3 months, and Kurt and Blaine have been dating for the half of last season and at least half this one. You've been attached to his hip. It's only natural…"

"Oh, Lea. God, I'm so mortified about this. I can't even understand what the hell's been happening since I got here in the first place and all of a sudden I'm developing a crush on my co-worker." He whined, looking intently at her while she just grinned. "And I'm pretty sure Chris is starting to notice because he's been avoiding me for a month now. I know I'm probably making things up in my head but I just…"

"Shush." She muttered, looking disapprovingly at him. "If you're so damn worried why won't you talk to him instead? I know I'm a close friend of his and everything but I'm not going to be dealing with you two whining about each other."

"What." Darren arched an eyebrow at her, now looking confused. "Are you telling me he's talked to you about me?"

"Oh, crap. I need to stop trying to be in the middle of everyone on this set." She said, turning around and leaving an incredibly confused Darren behind her.

"Chris, here." He handed him his things when they were together again, heading to the parking lot. The rest of the cast had already left, leaving just them and Ian, Brad and Ryan who were talking about the editing of the chapter while they walked near them.

Chris thanked him, taking his stuff and putting it inside his oversized messenger bag. Darren watched him struggle with the weight and offered his help to carry it, making Chris blush when saying yes and handing him the bag.

Darren just smiled sweetly at him, pondering his chances while he grabbed his car keys. He decided to go for it before he chickened out, so he asked him. "Would you like to grab a coffee with me before heading home? I wanted to ask you something."

Darren could have sworn he saw a tiny blush creeping Chris's cheeks when he nodded silently to his proposal. Ryan walked past them once they were near Darren's car and said "Remember, we have to shoot early tomorrow so don't stay up so late." He winked at them, making them blush at the same time. That Ryan knew everything, didn't he?

The drive to the coffee shop Darren often visited was a little more relaxed than the rest of the week. They laughed about Darren's musical taste and sang together to Rent songs, Chris taking all of Mimi's solos while Darren sang Roger's parts.

Once they got through the whole "Light My Candle" song they were actually acting it, shooting flirtatious looks at each other and holding hands at the end, Chris being evasive and flirty at the same time while Darren struggled with his head.

They were incredibly close since he had started working with him. Chris was the funniest guy he'd ever met, and to say that, it was something, because he was friends with Joey Ritcher and Lauren Lopez. And Dylan Saunders had a category of his own.

But, Chris? Chris was witty and sassy and incredibly talented, not to mention smart. And there was something about his innocence sometimes that just got to him. Those were the moments when he became visceral, he thought that he needed to protect Chris; he deserved someone who actually cared fully, someone who were able to make the time to just spoil him.

They got to the coffee shop a few minutes after they were singing "Today 4 U", Chris beating air drums with the song while Darren just smiled stupidly at him.

"I'm not a coffee person. But I'll be happy if you treat me to a diet coke while we're here." Chris said, recovering his past self and acting a little bit more naturally around him once the tension was out. Darren smiled and accepted, asking him to go look for a table while Darren ordered the drinks and a couple of brownies.

While in the lineup, he pondered his options inside his head. He had been a friend of Chris' for quite a while now, and honesty would always be the best policy between friends, but he didn't know how to phrase the fact that he had an inevitable gay crush once he had admitted hundreds of times that he was actually straight. Chris just did something to him. He didn't quite remember being so flustered about anything before this. But well, this was actually something to be flustered about. He used to be straight, of course. But he happened to have the biggest crush ever on his on-screen boyfriend.

The cashier handed him his order and he walked to the table where Chris was sitting. He seemed to be playing something on his iPhone, so Darren just sat there quietly while taking a piece of one of the brownies and opening the plastic lid a little to let his coffee cool down.

"You're playing Angry Birds?" Darren asked, having approached him from behind to catch a glimpse of what he was doing before he sat.

"Yup, I've been addicted to it since day one. I think I might have stopped sleeping for four days." Chris said without taking his sight from his iPhone. "Let me finish up with this level and…" He made a pause to stare angrily at the device. "Oh hell I lost again. Nevermind." He whined, grabbing the iPhone and putting it inside his messenger bag and then staring at the brownie. "For me?" He asked, a tiny smile forming on his lips. Darren thought his head was going to melt.

"Yes, I know you like them. And here, have the diet coke." He passed it to him and Chris grabbed it distractedly; his cheeks blushing again because of the gesture.

They ate their brownies in silence for a while, until Darren's phone buzzed and he took it out of his pocket, checking it. "Oh, it's a message." He said, reading it, giggling a little and then putting the phone back to where it was.

"Who was it?" Chris asked, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. Darren felt a tinge of cuteness bulk in his stomach when he answered.

"Oh, it was Brian? You know, Holden. He just texted me that my OUT pictures were outrageous and that he wanted to get out of the store running and screaming; the cover just being way too weird. They did photoshop it a little bit too much."

Chris giggled a little, but the blush just returned to his cheeks again. "That guy is right. The photoshop for the cover was plain scary."

"Oh, so you've seen it?" Darren asked, curious, leaning a little bit on the table to catch a better view of Chris's cheeks while he blushed.

"Who hasn't?" He replied, shying away from his eyes while he drank his coke in silence. Darren smiled warmly.

"You know… Chris. I need to tell you something." He started, feeling the nervousness starting to form in his stomach.

"Do tell." Chris mimicked Kurt in a way that made Darren blush a little, remembering the moment this whole mess started.

"Well. Since Blaine and Kurt started… you know. Dating. I've been in… I've been having some trouble."

Chris just narrowed his eyes at that, grasping his diet coke a little bit too hard now.

"You might think this is ridiculous. You probably think I'm being a child and I shouldn't even pay attention to what's been happening but it's been so big that I just can't-"

"Wait. Darren, stop. I know what's going to happen now. You're going to tell me that we're not Kurt and Blaine and that the relationship we've had is quite odd and that you're not comfortable with it. I know, I've been noticing the way you act around me. I know it's hard to play a gay character being straight, I know it's hard, especially when your on-screen significant other's actor is gay. And I promise you, Darren, that I know the boundaries. I know them quite well, I know that you're just a co-worker and I shouldn't think about you as something more. But I just-"


"I just can't ignore it, I mean, you're incredibly charming and handsome and that stupid smile of yours just does things to me and…"


"And the way you kiss me, and the way you touch me; I've never had a boyfriend before and I've never even been on dates, ever and if I could just put a line between us and pretend that I'm not even interested I would but I'm…"


"And Ryan is the one who's to blame for this because you weren't even supposed to be on the show, Chord was the one who was supposed to be my boyfriend and…"


"I'm pretty sure with him it wouldn't have been so difficult because he's definitely not my type, I mean, he's cute but I would never develop such a gigantic and moronic crush on him because he's just-"

"For the love of God, Chris, just shut up and listen to me, already!" Darren snapped, grabbing the hand that was holding the diet coke and clasping it between his own, feeling the way the younger man was shaking under his grasp.

"Chris. I'm in the same goddamn situation as you are." He said, feeling Chris hand stop shaking lightly. "I have a huge and moronic crush on you as well. The way I kind of casually grabbed your ass today on set didn't explain you anything?"

"Oh." Chris just sat there with the face of a deer caught in headlights and his hand was between Darren's now and he just.

Holy Hell, Darren just told him that he had a crush on him.

"I think I just got bitch slapped by an iceberg. And it wasn't a slushie." He whispered, not able to believe whatever just happened.

Darren stood up and asked him to do the same, holding his hand the whole way outside the coffee shop, walking straight past the car. "Can I just have a moment to actually explain what's happened or should I just…?"

"Don't, Darren. I need to know…" They were walking hand in hand to a really nice park that was just in front of the place.

"I need to know if you're serious. Because the moronic part of it is that you and I won't be able to be together ever in our lives because you're straight and I'm gay and things just don't work out like that." All the while they kept walking, towards a gigantic oak that was in the most lonely part of the park where they sat down, looking at each other in silence for a while.

"I know, Chris. I've been wondering the same thing myself." He started playing with the grass while he talked. "But I really like you. And my feelings have been around… quite a while already. I didn't do anything about it because I thought it was just…"

"A phase?" Chris wondered, looking at Darren's hands in the grass.

"No. Not a phase, geez. Just. Impossible, maybe? I thought that I was getting more and more into my own character. You know how I am, I just get so much into it that I end up being lost. And for a while I was convinced that I was Blaine. But then we would… hang out and you would just… say stuff and… You know. I've never met a single person who has made me laugh so much. Or with prettier cheekbones."

Chris blushed again and moved his legs to be closer to Darren, giggling a little with embarrassment at the latter statement.

"I like… your eyes. God, I love them, even. I like your voice and your laugh. I like your hair. The way those dimples appear when you smile and… your teeth. Gee, I didn't even know I could detail a person so much. Chris, you've reduced me to a teenager in love. I can't freaking stop thinking about what you like, or if you'd like flowers or if I could give you a chocolate without being incredibly obvious about how I feel for you." He sighed, now looking straight at Chris's eyes. "I really think this is serious. This is not, and it was never, a phase. I've been in love before. I've got my heart broken before. But I mean; this is huge. You're huge to me, Chris. You're the Kurt to my Blaine."

"Now that's just cheesy." Chris laughed, and Darren felt himself blushing so much he thought his head would explode. Chris just leaned a little bit closer to him and whispered.

"Darren, please shut up and kiss me."

And he did, and Darren was sure about something.

Oh… There you are. I've been looking for you forever.

Yeah. Probably he was incredibly cheesy.

"By the way. I need to say I love your triangular eyebrows." Chris smiled into the kiss, leaning in again when he felt Darren smiling against his lips.

"I get that a lot." After a moment, though, he broke away from the kiss to add. "I need to thank Lea."

"Why?" Chris asked, curious, pressing his forehead against Darren's.

"She told me that you talked to her about me."

Chris narrowed his eyes, seemingly upset.


"Hey, don't be like that. We're together now, aren't we?" And he kissed him again, and yes. It was probably true, but Lea was going to hear about this tomorrow morning.

I'm a sucker for cheesy!Darren. I hope it's okay, haha.

Well, guys, I hope you enjoyed that. I would be glad to read your opinions about this thing.

See you next time!

media:rpf, rating:pg13, media:fanfic

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