Harry Potter Fan Fiction Index

Apr 08, 2008 16:49

Disclaimer: This is all JKR's fault... She deserves the honour and the blame.

Harry Potter Fan Fiction is hosted at FanFiction.net at the moment, but I'm sure one day I'll get around to shifting it all over here.

Title: Conversion (Fourteen Parts)
Pairing: Ginny/Draco
Rating/Warnings: K+/PG, for swearing, mainly.
Spoilers: Up to OotP
Author’s note: The only multi-part fic I've ever actually completed. When Draco's parents are killed by Voldemort, Ginny is suddenly there. How in hell can this possibly work?
Summary: He looked up, not with anger but with anguish. "Why?" he croaked, pleadingly, water soaking his face. Ginny moved within his periphery timidly, until she was opposite him. She bent her head very close to his, and for a second a terrified look of shock lit his features. He thought she was going to kiss him. Did she really appear that heartless? Instead, she opened her arms to him, and let him fall into them, as she had never expected him to.

Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen.

pg, fic, harry potter, ginny/draco

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