Valentine’s DayPairing: Sam/Gene
Rating/Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Author’s note: Just… so very random… And short, we're talking a 118 word count, here.
Summary: "D'you know what Valentine's Day means to me, Tyler?"
A Man Out Of Time (Doctor Who/Life On Mars Crossover)Pairing: None.
Rating/Warnings: None, I should think. Let’s go with PG, for the possibility of swearing.
Spoilers: On and off, probably a fair few.
Author’s note: The Doctor accidentally materialises inside one of A-Division’s cells. Chaos ensues.
Summary: The man peered at him, considered him very carefully. It was then at the Doctor noticed. He felt strange. Odd, off-kilter, but not in a bad way. This man was out of sync.
TrustPairing: Sam/Gene
Rating/Warnings: PG, or Cortina equivalent.
Spoilers: Brief mention of the Railway Incident, 2.8. Nothing horrific but probably best to have seen it.
Author’s note: May be multi-parter, we’ll see how the work load is. Sorry, un-beta'd.
Summary: He followed Sam in silence, and with the look of a man carrying something extraordinarily heavy on his shoulders. It was a look opposite to how Sam was feeling. Indestructible. Like he could fly. Like he could soar.
Didn’t Deny It (3 Parts WIP)Pairing: Sam/Gene
Rating/Warnings: PG - very mild swearing, man-love of the platonic variety (for now).
Spoilers: None
Author’s note:
scruby suggested a fic based on
these yummy pics of BAFTA goodness, where Sam has a beard. I can only blame the pictures for this, and unadulterated bullying gentle cajoling, for the fact that this is now a multi-part fic. Un-beta'd, still PG, for now.
Summary: “What the bleeding hell is that thing on your face, Tyler?”
Part One,
Part Two,
Part Three Title:
As A Bloody Christmas Tree (2 Parts WIP) Rating/Warnings: Not sure, let's go with PG-13 for the swearing, it's infrequent.
Pairing: Gene/Sam
Author's note: Set in the present, Gene and Sam meet in HMV. Inspired by LoM episode 2.6, in which "music supermarkets" are mentioned, and I thought of HMV.
Summary: "The problem wasn’t with her liking men. The issue was more ‘bout me having the same problem.”
Part One,
Part Two