Recs are made of awesome

Aug 06, 2006 16:08



Intercepted Light by voleuse
Roslin has a certain media pull.


Gay Bar by Jennifer-Oksana
Kat's not so sure about seducing the President.


Catalyst by inlovewithnight
A history of Zarek.



At Home Where the World Ends by Maren
Everyone has a place, has a home; they just might not be the same.

Hope Spring Eternal and Other Clichés by Chrislee
It's always the same between them.

Angel/Buffy and Angel/Lindsey

Love is a drug: a treatise by SA
It's never about Angel.


Won't you be my solid ground? by callmesandy
Buffy keeps getting lost, kinda.


The Burkle-Summers Guide To Frozen Precipitation, Areas In Which It May Be Found, And Circumstances Surrounding Its Fall by Glossing
They meet again and again when Fred comes to work for the Council.


wrapped/unravelled by Minim Calibre
Buffy's realized that nothing's right in the world.

So Many Little Things by hold_that_thought
Wishverse Buffy lives in NYC and Wesley is assigned as her new Watcher.


Will Caving In by Voleuse
Connor has a thing for Slayers and Cordelia walks in on them.

Connor/Dawn and Dawn/Xander

Collision by nevernever
Through their joined grief, Connor finally loses his virginity to Dawn and her strap-on.


Tactile by Amy
They roadtrip to the American Air Guitar Championship. Awesome.


French Is Better by voleuse
Cordelia is always seduced by the word, "Spa."


Cordelia Dreams... by Kate Bolin
There are other places besides Earth and Heaven that they can meet.


Metamorphosis by KindKit
They have become different people.

due South


Four Ways Benton Fraser and Ray Kowalski Never Met, and One Way They Did by Lyra Sena
Within every universe, there's potential.


Third Party by Pares
Twice a year, they get away from everything.


Chicago, 1968 by Melanie Mitchell
Welsh is a young officer the summer of 1968.


Cameron/House, Cuddy/House, House/Stacy, and House/Wilson

Three of House's Proposals That Were Shot Down, and One That Wasn't. by Queenzulu
House has proposed three times, and only once was there actual follow through.


This Cannot End Well by Catherine
Like any relationship with House ever goes well.

Eight Simple Rules for Dating Greg House by ijemanja
Cuddy tries to lay down rules.



First Time for Everything by rizzo
For both of them, it's a bit of a first time.



Casting shadows by quasiradiant
Ro isn't in the mood for company after Jaros II.



Temporary (Permanent) by inlovewithnight
They all deal with death differently.


Wine, Men, and Lewd Gestures by James
Radek has decided that Athosian beer is evil and that he is, in fact, dead.

Theory of Relativity and Theory of Unification by Mice
Radek hears Carson whispering Rodney's name in his sleep.


A Habit of Turning Up by Wesleysgirl
Carson hadn't realized just how lonely he was until John showed up on his doorstep.

Cadman and Lorne

Astronauts, And Other Dreams by chasingkerouac
Lorne wanted to be an astronaut (I sympathize) and Cadman wanted to be a Navy Seal.


Good, Old-fashioned, Homegrown by Pentapus
They will make it through this.

Rodney and Cadman Go Down by Pares
Rodney owes her one and then they get captured.


Handsome Johnny by Hth
Ford tries to pick out his one personal item to take with him to Atlantis.


Collision by mardia
Lorne's got a responsibility to Atlantis and to everyone on it.


Small Primes and Square Roots by Livia
Rodney still works for the SGC and John's still in Antartica. They still find each other.

Phantom Limb by cgb
When Atlantis falls, they seek each other and life goes on.

Edges by Pru
Rodney always thought John was invicible.

Reality by Resonant
John decides it's better to date Rodney without Rodney knowing.

Caffeinated by Frostfire
Rodney just can't seem to get his coffee.

MVP by Speranza
Rodney finds out something about John and John think Rodney's found out that he's gay.

Amnesiac by Speranza
John doesn't want to tell anyone that he doesn't remember who they are.

Consanguinity by forcryinoutloud
Rodney knows they've been drugged and he's being held down by his teammate.

Shattered by bibliotech
There are lots of ways to die in the Pegasus Galaxy.

As lost as you get by Lilysaid
During "Ephipany," the entire team gets stuck and Rodney hates meditating and really hates this place.

Failsafes by Lunasky
Time loop fic that fits into the failsafes against destroying Atlantis.


These Things Happen in Stages -- Four Kisses That Didn’t Count, and One That Did by bibliotech
Neither of them were quite ready for what was happening.


The Secret Life of Scientists by Julad
McKay tries to deal with his scientists the best way he can.


A History of Knives by Anna
A piece of metal can mean a lot more.


Snap by silverspar
After Ford, all the Marines seem too young.


The more things change by alephtav
They don't live together, but his quarters are filled with unpacked boxes.


Spiral by purple_cube
All that remains of her past has been destroyed by the Wraith.

A Strong Tea by tigerlady
There are things Teyla must do on her own.


The city & the sea by delgaserasca
They both love the sea.


Perchance to Dream by Sholio
Elizabeth realizes that the Ancient technology is killing her as she's sleeping.



No Learning Curves by imadra_blue
His first day as an official X-Men doesn't have the cake and accompanying party he expects.


Pity Them by Ion Bond
Kurt is a lot more adept than people think.


Babylon 5/SG-1


Nothing important happened today (or "today, we saw rocks") by Medie
Ivanova finds more than rocks and more than she expected.


Ellen/Saul and Gaeta/Saffron

One Artist to Another by liptonrm
Ellen notices her and knows her game right away.



Shore Leave by Selena
Adama's Viper spins out of control and he ends up on a shuttle with a strange woman that he swears is a Cylon.


Bender and Londo

Lopped-Off Asparagus Spears by Voleuse
Londo receives a package from Mom's Friendly Robot Company that has a taste for beer, singing, and gambling.



Walk Out of the World by ltlj
River can only see so much.

ST: TNG/Star Wars

Qui Gon Jinn/Jean Luc Picard

In a Galaxy Where No Man Has Gone Before by Merfilly
Picard's shuttle crashes on a world where he meets a Jedi master.

Star Wars/SGA


The Dark Side by astolat
McKay is not a very good Jedi and Sheppard is not a very good Sith Lord.

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