dS: mpreg!fic (slash only)

Jul 01, 2006 19:08


Note: This is a THEMATIC MASTER LIST, NOT a rec list. And though I would definitely recommend some, if not most, of the fic here, bear in mind that quality of the stories varies.

Currently 13 stories (not counting sequels). First posted on 2008/02/16.

Every Angel Is Terrifying by Lynnmonster (lynnmonster)
Fraser/Kowalski, PG, 2050 words, humour, mpreg, wingfic, established relationship, multiple crossover.
Excerpt: "Listen, I'm hormonal, so you really don't want to upset me," the angel adjusted its breastplate again, as if it chafed over its slightly protruding belly. "Neuter my ass," he muttered under his breath.

For Better, For Worse by China Shop (china_shop)
Kowalski/Vecchio, R, ~5000 words, established relationship, mpreg, kid!fic, angst, humour, post-CotW. Author's summary: “I can’t believe you called little Stanley a tumor!” said Vecchio, handing over his shopping bags. Ray scowled. “Would you quit calling it Stanley?!”
Vecchio is pregnant and RayK isn't exactly happy about it. Excerpt: “You call him Stanley, I’m gonna call him Pigface”.

Fraser’s Secret (or what he did that made him able to tell when Ray was lying) by Aingeal (aingeal8c) (sequel - A Family Christmas)
Fraser/Vecchio, PG, 3740+3817 words, established relationship, mpreg, kid!fic, humour, high!Fraser. Author's summary: Ray arrives at Fraser's apartment to find him in pain but he can't believe what his lover tells him is the cause; sequel: Ray goes through the experience of a real fmaily Christmas.
Excerpt: "Ray entered Fraser’s apartment in a cheerful mood. They both had the day off and he was thinking maybe they could get some exercise; Fraser had been looking a little fatter of late."

A Good Egg by Aingeal (aingeal8c)
Fraser/Vecchio, PG, ~6000 words, established relationship, kid!fic, humour. Written for the ds_crack Eggs challenge. Warning (by the author): It is not Mpreg as such but does feature two men having a baby...in a rather unusual way. Author's summary: There's a very good reason why Fraser's in bed.
Excerpt: Ray looked at his watch. “Yeah, I better go. I mean, I’ve got a lover and an egg to support….”

Junior: An American, a Canadian and How They Made a Baby by Aingeal (aingeal8c)
Fraser/Vecchio, R, 37000 words, established relationship, post-CotW, mpreg, kid!fic. Author's note: Once upon a time came the idea that a pregnant, whiny, Ray Vecchio would provide much fun and amusement. From this was a plot bunny (a ginger plot bunny no less) was born and the ginger plot bunny grew and grew until it got so big it needed it's own LJ. This is the story that the ginger bunny spawned...
Have not read. Excerpt: “That was the idea of the male pregnancy experiment, Ray, to see if it was possible, with some adjustments, to allow a male to carry a baby.” // “Yeah, who knew all I needed to get pregnant was a gastric bypass operation.”

"The One Where Turnbull Gets Knocked Up" Series by Slidellra (slidellra) and Lipstickcat (lipstickcat)
Kowalski/Turnbull, NC-17, parts range from 100 to 3000 words, AU, humour, first time in part 1, established relationship later, mpreg. Written for the getturnbulllaid challenge, prompt: "Ray offers to take the gang from the consulate out for the evening, but Fraser and Thatcher don't make it at the last minute". Authors' note: That's right. NC-17, smut, sap, fluff, mpreg. You know you want to look. The first five stories are mpreg-free porn if your heart is so puny as to not have room for a little pregnant Turnbull action.
WIP (?). Excerpt: Ray has been counting off the weeks since Turnbull told him. He's started keeping a diary, well, a scrapbook-journal-thing really.

Ours (or here) by Acer Canadensis (sequels - Photo Album, Video Library)
Fraser/Vecchio, PG-13, 57625 words (+ short sequels), established relationship, mpreg, kid!fic, post-CotW. Author's summary: Ben and Ray decide to have a child of their own... literally; sequels: basically a collection of brief snapshots of Abigail Vecchio Fraser growing up with her dads.
Have not read. Excerpt: "Is something bothering you, Ray?" They were sitting on the front porch of the Vecchio house on a summer afternoon, watching as the nieces and nephews attempted to organize a soccer game on the lawn.

Positive by Ifreet (ifreet)
Fraser/Kowalski, NC-17, 1250 words, established relationship, post-CotW (in Canada), mpreg. Written for the stop_drop_porn challenge.
Excerpt: Fraser placed his hand low on Ray's belly, over the bump which could still pass as beer belly, but wasn't. His hand moved slowly, gently, as though he were touching something precious, and Ray got it. He was touching the idea, and he liked the idea. It was going to be okay.

A Question of Faith (or here) by Littera Abactor (littera_abactor) (prequel but should be read second - A Question of Time, Dief's POV, PG-13, short)
Fraser/Kowalski, PG, 1300 words, established relationship, mpreg (sort of), post-CotW, humour. Written for the ds_flashfiction Anywhere But Here challenge.
Excerpt: "It's bad enough I'm taking instructions from God, Fraser. I don't want to think even for a second about taking instructions from a senile God. Jesus Christ." Ray winced and made a vaguely apologetic face over his shoulder. "I mean, fuck. Fuck that."

Secrets of Absence by Aingeal (aingeal8c)
Fraser/Vecchio, PG, 2643 words, kid!fic, established relationship, humour, mpreg, AU. Written for the ds_flashfiction Secrets challenge. Author's summary: Ray hasn’t seen Fraser for eleven months, seven days and twenty hours. Then he gets a letter allowing him to track the Mountie down and ask him why he left. Author's note: A vague warning for an allusion to mpreg (no guys were harmed in the making of this fic). This is also baby!fic, crack!baby!fic, crack!baby!curtain!fic in fact. Not to be taken too seriously. Or internally.
Fraser suddenly disappears without any explanation, RayV is looking for him. Excerpt: “Benny, I don’t know what they taught you in high school biology, but men don’t get pregnant and have babies.”

Untitled by Green (xanphibian)
Gen, Fraser, Kowalski, Dief, G, 390 words, humour. Author's note: Dief mpreg. shut UP.
Ok, that's my one "gen" exception per "slash" list. Because, omg, DIEF MPREG! *flails* Excerpt: "How is this even POSSIBLE? He's a boy wolf, right?"

A Violent, Pregnant Man by Robowolf (robowolf)
Fraser/Kowalski, House, PG-13, 1168 words, established relationship, humour, mpreg, crossover with House M.D. Author's summary: "Voila, presto, ooh-la-la: I present to you, gentlemen, one assbaby."
Excerpt: "You did not just say that. No. Nonononono. I think you're overlooking a very important, whaddya call it, observation here, doc," Ray said. "And that observation would be that I lack very, very distinct feminine characteristics here. Like, you know, bosoms."

Wackiness Ensues (or here) and sequel That's just silly, Ray by Byob (byob_kenobi)
Fraser/Kowalski, dead!Bob, Vecchio, PG, 989+547 words, pre-slash, humour, mpreg (sort of). Written for the ds_flashfiction Cliche challenge. Author's summary: Ray gets hurt. Aliens force them to have sex. (sort of). Um. Mpreg.
Excerpt: Ray leaped off the bed, throwing the blankets at his father in the process. “Uh-uh, no way, no fucking how. There’s probing, isn’t there? I heard stories. No fucking way am I letting anyone near me with a probe.”

Other master lists of dS fanfiction
Master list of dS authors

P.S. If you are aware of any other stories fitting this list or encounter a broken link, please, let me know.

master lists: due south

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