Interlude: because I can't fucking help myself.

Aug 08, 2007 18:45

As of the time I'm starting this post, hogwarts_today has announced that it is going on indefinite hiatus.

I'm taking this as a sign that what I feared from the beginning is happening, here and now: this is the break-down of the LJ fandom community.

People are scared. There's a lot of backing-up of journals and deleting of porn, causing bad links in rec lists and screwed up memories. People who feel they might be in that gray area between the obscene and not-obscene are scared of losing years worth of content, as well as their money. There's threats to contact lawyers and start class action lawsuits. Reports are being filed with the BBB.

Jesus. H. Christ on a cracker.

I'm going to take a step back here for a moment. There was a single, one-line comment left on the lj_biz post that said something along the lines of: "you have to admit that this is the funniest thing to happen on Live Journal in a long time." I can't find the link, but to whoever said it: FUCK YES.

Seriously, think about it for a second. Step back, take a deep breath, and think about it. I'll even wait.


Do you get it yet?

"ZOMG HIDE THE PORN!" Does that help?

I mean, here are a bunch of people who are so not pedophiliacs picking apart the child pornography laws to the smallest letter, writing hundreds of 'open letters,' the biggest wank I've ever seen spanning four separate journaling sites and beyond, vehemently declaring their allegiances, writing meta like fiends, demanding a 6A staff member's head on a pole...

All over of a drawing of Severus Snape giving Harry Potter a blow job.


"Fine. I'll just pack up my porn and go somewhere else. *blows raspberries*"



Lord knows we fucking need it.

the end is so fucking nigh, bitching about lj again, lj alert

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