Oct 20, 2007 23:28

Hey all, I haven't had a lot of time to write but wanted to put up the next chapter. Enjoy, Sue



Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters. Anthony Yerkovich created Miami Vice and Michael Mann was Executive producer, I thank them for that. This is just a fan fiction from my warped mind.


Tall black trees, like spears, shot up into a sky that couldn’t be seen due to the white heavy fog swirling to the ground. A path of brownish green was the only color that could be seen just a few inches ahead. Crockett slowly followed the path, not sure what was ahead or where he was, or even how to get out. Glancing around didn’t help. He latched onto the damp tree trunks, walking at a snails pace in case there was water in the way or a gator. Boy, Elvis would have loved it here, he thought, missing his watch gator that’d been gone for years.

Crockett continued to crawl ahead. His breathing was intense from panic. He didn’t know what he’d find here or where here was. This place had to be the Everglades even though he didn’t remember coming out here, he had just appeared. His senses were heightened from all his thoughts and not having his gun. He felt naked without it. There was almost an antiseptic smell that shouldn’t be here, he mused.

There was a sound that stopped him cold. He shivered in the humidity as he heard a ghostly voice. “Sonny.” The voice drifted by his ear.

“What the fuck?” He craned his neck trying to find where the voice had come from.

“Sonny, please, …… help me.” The voice, weak with fear, cried out to him.

“Rico?” Sonny recognized the scared voice of his partner’s cry for help. His voice was weak from whatever they were doing to him. Crockett’s steps quickened, “Rico, where are you? I’ll get you partner. Just tell me where you are.”

Laughter of a crazy man whirled around the cops head, rising in volume. Crockett wished again that he had his gun. He’d do anything to save Tubbs and his gut told him they already knew this.

“Crockett, come save your partner. I have something favorite of yours and you have my favorite money, lets trade.”

That voice was familiar, it was Mario Fuente.

“Fuente, let Rico go and I’ll take his place.” Crockett yelled, “I’ll do whatever you want, just let him go.” Crockett hid his emotions while he tried to bargain.

“So altruistic of you, Crockett, so I’ll let you see detective Tubbs.”

The fog faded and Crockett saw Tubbs tied down to a bed, the antiseptic smell becoming stronger. He saw an old Oriental man pushing a needle into the detective’s arm. Saw Tubbs surrender to the syringe. Green eyes focused on track marks that ran down both his partner’s arms. He winced at the pain his partner felt and the pain he felt for his partner. Suddenly, a ringing started to drown out the sound and vision. It grew louder, almost painfully so. The image faded. Crockett bolted up in bed, drenched with sweat, he yelled, “RICO!!!!!” That was when he realized it had been a dream and then gradually turned his head, taking in the ringing phone.

He picked it up and put the receiver to his wet head, “Yeah.” The gravelly hoarse voice answered.

“Crockett, did I wake you? Man, I thought you’d be up already.”

He recognized the voice as he tried to clear his brain from the intense feeling the dream had given him, “Duddy?”

“Yeah, who else? Never mind,” The sweeper rapidly chattered, “Sleeping in? Thought you’d be up and almost out the door, glad I caught ya.”

“Wait,” Sonny became alarmed when he saw the clock said seven thirty in the morning, he then gave his attention back to Duddy, “Had trouble sleeping, I’m getting ready now,” Sonny jumped up and started getting ready as he spoke to Steve, “I hope this is good news, Stevie.” Sonny stated with a cranky voice.

“Oh most defiantly, our friend wants the exterminator to come get the pests out. He wants me to drive to pier 37 and wait for the boat to pick me up at ten this morning. I just got off the phone with the man himself.” Steve sounded pleased with himself as he gave the information to Sonny.

Sonny had quickly brushed his teeth and was now pulling on clothes, “We have to change the plan. He wants you to drive out to the pier,” Sonny thought for a moment, “ok, you drive to OCB when you get done. And Steve, make sure you ain’t followed. I’ll notify the front desk that I’m expecting you.” Sonny put on his holster and then slipped into his shoes.

“Sonnneeyyy, I was a cop, I know how not to be followed and if I am how to lose them. Remember I’m a paranoid guy? And our types don’t like to be followed.” Duddy told his friend before he started his insane laugh.

“Yeah, right. Now play it straight, Stevie and I’ll see you right and I MEAN, right after you step off that boat, got it?” Crockett growled the warning.

“Sure, right after I get off the boat.”

Sonny pushed the button, hanging up the phone. He grabbed his jacket and keys, locked up the boat before heading to the office and informing the lieutenant of the change in plans with Fuente. All the way to OCB he couldn’t shake the dream he’d had. His head pounded from the dream as well as not enough sleep. And his stomach churned at the replay of the feelings, and visions he’d dreamt about his close friend and partner. The Southerner’s heart ached also; he loved Tubbs and couldn’t stand the thought of what was being done to his friend. Looking quickly in the mirror while he was talking to Duddy, he had noticed the dark circles under his eyes, thank God for his sunglasses. He wished he could wear them in the office. Hell, he just wished this was over and Rico was safe. The detective realized he had been pushing the speed limit and weaving around cars, he prayed that an officer wouldn’t pull him over. He had to get to OCB and talk to Marty. The blond knew once at the office he’d calm down a bit and be able to take some aspirins and drink that black caffeine liquid he required. Then the full focus of his attention would be on what needed to be done.

All the detectives filed into the squad room. Gina told Trudy the abridged version of what had transpired between her and Gordon. Trudy shook her head, some how knowing something like this would happen. She should have pushed the issue about Gina staying at her house, she thought.

“I knew you should have stayed at my house, I should have pushed it.” Trudy stated, frustrated at herself, at her friend and at the whole situation.

“Trudy, it’s not your fault,” Gina’s elbow sat on her desk, the side of her face rested into the palm of her hand, “Damn it, I can’t believe I was making love with Gordon and then he suddenly turned into Sonny. I thought it was a dream.” The brunette spoke quietly, the pain clear in her voice.

“Honey, you knew all this opened that old wound. We should have talked about it instead of skating around the issue. That’s something Sonny does with his emotions, was part of what sank you two,” Trudy could see that Gina was a bit distraught, but not totally. She wondered if her partner was numb and reality hadn’t sunk in yet. “Gordon knows you love him, knows you need time to get through this case and then put your feelings for Crockett to rest. Old wounds open when you least expect them. Look what happened with me and David years ago.” Trudy sighed.

Gina shook her head, “Yeah, but you didn’t call David by an ex- lover’s name or fantasize he was that ex-lover.”

“True, but Gordon loves you and knows you love him. He’s hurt but you two can work it out, I know you can. Give it time like the man said, I think you’re underestimating, Gordon.”

“Maybe.” Gina answered quietly and then gave a small smile to her friend, “Still the cheer leader for us.”

“Well somebody’s got to be.” Trudy gave a bright smile back.

“We’ll talk later, too many people are coming in and I certainly don’t want this going around or for Crockett to hear about it.” The Hispanic detective whispered.

“You’re right. We do this case and we’ll talk it out. Maybe once the case is over, things will be alright. Like I said the fear might be what opened this up in the first place. I’m getting coffee you want one?”

“Yeah, thanks.” Gina smiled thankfully up at her partner, “And thanks for the ear.”

Trudy stood over her partner, still smiling, “That’s what I’m here for, besides watching your back. Anyway, I’ve heard this story before.” She laughed and then walked away.

Gina turned her head to see Julie walk in. The young blonde glanced around the room before sitting down at her desk with Tanya.

“Well, how did it go last night?” Tanya inquired.

“Just like you said it would. He is attracted to me but his mind is totally on Tubbs and after a while he asked for a rain check.” Julie smiled.

“I did tell you that, but it’s great he admitted the attraction and asked for a rain check, that’s a positive for Sonny Crockett. The mans a charmer and a hell of a lot of other things I’ve found out over the years, but I’ve told you all I know about him. Just let this case finish and afterwards, watch your self. He’s only been serious with a few women in his life, like I’ve said. And from what Swi told me he craves love but it some how always gets fucked up, like that Theresa, the addict and that madam and of course his ex-wife, and then Caitlin Davies. How horrible was that one, to free the man who eventually kills your wife and unborn child, God.” Tanya shook her head at the pain the senior detective had gone through.

She had great admiration for Crockett and a nice teasing friendship. She was glad that Joey had befriended the cop and got her into Vice. Lewis was anxious to be introduced after hearing Hardin talk so much about the detective who eventually became his mentor.

“Yeah, I know, I stumbled with that one last night. He tried to hide some thing he was going through, but I interpreted more about him than he would have liked me to. I have hope about this. It’ll take some effort, but I think things can work.” Julie optimistically told Tanya.

The clock read eight fifteen a.m. when Crockett hurriedly crashed through the double doors. Julie stood up to block the blond detective.

“Hey, did you sleep at all last night?” Concern deeply laced in the female detective’s quietly asked question and the dark circles she saw under the man’s eyes.

Sonny was uncomfortable. He hated being late, needed to speak to Marty and didn’t want to be rude, again, to Parish, “Ah, yeah, slept a bit but woke up late. Um, sorry I have to get into see Marty,” Sonny winced at how short he was being. He gave her shoulder a light affectionate squeeze while meeting her eyes briefly before advancing to Castillo’s office.

Gina watched the interaction. She turned to see that both Joplin and Switeck had observed it too. They had also overheard the quiet but quick conversation.

“Hmmm, guess Parish is trying her luck on Crockett, you see her star struck eyes after he left for the lieutenant’s office?” Gina inquired secretly, with some annoyance.

Switeck shrugged, “What can you do. Sonny’s, Sonny, always been a magnet for the women,” seeing the strange look he got from his female partners, Stan decided to mind his own business. He got up when Sammy came out of the kitchen, and grabbed his jacket. They were heading out to the fishing boat to set up, “See ya ladies.”

“Bye Stan.” The girls said in unison.

“Good luck you two.” The dark detective called out to both men before they passed through the double doors.

“Now back to Miss star struck. Gina you have to stop this, you’re sounding like you did years ago and you’ve come too far.” The voice was stern with reason and concern.

“I know, I know, you’re right. Guess it is this damn case.” Gina pushed back her chair and stood up, “I’ll be back.” She joked, trying to imitate the terminator, making them both laugh.

“So the pests have been eliminated, now we can make arrangements for our other guest. My men are out hunting him down as we speak,” The tall lanky man spoke to his partner while pacing before he finally found a place to sit.

“Will Crockett be brought in tonight?” the partner asked.

“I think it’s safe to say he’ll be here, a bit beaten, but we’ll have the pleasure of both the detective’s company,” Mario smiled at the thought, “I took the liberty of having my men hang a hook from the ceiling beam in detective Tubbs’ room. I think Crockett will be hanging around for a while.” Fuente chuckled at his joke before taking a glass of juice from his hired servant.

“Good, I can’t wait to watch him die, like a side of beef.” His partner smiled in pleasure.

“I’m not sure I will kill him. I’ve found out some interesting information. Crockett will soon be the Lieutenant of the Vice unit. Given the expertise of Doctor Lee, I think that the man can do the same to Crockett that he’s going to do with Tubbs. Then I’ll have two leaks in the two places I need them the most and Lieutenants always know more than their squad. Lee will program both men to call me when they hear something and the minute the phone is hung up they will not remember calling me, or my number. That makes the risk of them getting out of line or saying anything that shouldn’t be said, erased.” He again chuckled, “Oh, but I will first have Crockett worked over and see about the money Cate’s stole from me.” His evil eyes meet his partner’s.

“You won’t hurt Tubbs.” Wasn’t a question but a statement.

“Of course not, I gave my word to you. You’ve been very loyal to me and I reward loyalty. He will pass on the information and will be in New York and all will be happy. And I will have Lee erase the bond that Crockett and Tubbs have. Oh, it will happen gradually, no one will figure it out. Once Tubbs is back in New York they will no longer have contact with one another. That will work out for both of us.”


His partner satisfied, stood up and walked out onto the deck to enjoy the sun.

Crockett couldn’t count how many aspirins he had taken or how many cups of coffee he had drank. He stuffed a doughnut down his stomach earlier to counter act any tearing up the pills or caffeine would do. He knew Duddy was on his way up to OCB and gathered up the team that was still in the office. They sat waiting, while Sonny perched himself against the wall, watching the door.

Sonny’s mind raced, his eyes were on the door, oblivious to all in the room.

He wanted Steve to come in and tell him how Tubbs was, where he was. The torture of not knowing was driving him crazy, along with the dream Steve had woken him from.

Hearing a whistling, the green eyes saw the sweeper coming through the door to the strategy room. He pushed himself off the wall and stride along side of Castillo.

The Hispanic’s eyes focused in on the tall, thin man. “Did it work?”

Steve became animated, “Did it work? Of course it worked! I fed him the antiquated bugs from the department after I put in my own high tech ones. I even have a few on the decks. Now I have to get to the fishing boat and get them started up, so we can listen and record,” He grinned widely and then looked directly at Crockett, “You wearin’ yours? I need to get the tracker going too.”

Crockett blinked in thought and then remembered going back down to put the tracking chip on the inside of his waist band of his trousers, “Yeah, it’s on. What about Tubbs? Did you see him? Where do they have him?” Sonny fired questions at the man.

Duddy held up his hands, “Wait, I was all over that boat and didn’t see Tubbs anywhere.”

“What?” Sonny incredulously questioned.

“I said I didn’t see him.” Duddy repeated.

“I’m not deaf, I know what you said I just don’t see how that’s possible,” with that Sonny turned to the map, “Unless, …….Trudy, you pulled up Fuente’s holdings?”

The dark skinned detective handed Sonny the sheet, “Here they are, all in companies that he owns. Mostly warehouses.”

“I knew you’d find them, thanks, darlin’” Sonny looked over the sheet.

“Hey, you need me or can I go set up?” Duddy asked with impatience.

“Hardin, Diaz, take Duddy in the Scarab to the fishing boat.” Martin told them and then went back to what Sonny was saying.

“Yes, Lieutenant.” Hardin answered grabbing his drink and jacket.

The three walked out the door as Sonny gazed over the map on the wall. He had marked most of the warehouses in black and two in red. He pointed at the board as he explained, “These are all of Fuente’s warehouses, thanks to Trudy. The ones I have in red are where I think he has Tubbs. These two are next to each other, by the water and away from people,” Sonny tapped at them in thought, “No one around these to report anything. I think a team should go out there, Marty. Obviously I can’t, I have to play footies with Fuente’s thugs. I’ll be in my car, let me know what happens.” The detective’s eyes met Martin’s.

“Yes. Augustine, Dimmal, Calabrese, Joplin, Lewis, and Parish, come with me. Sonny you start your run around, keep them away from the warehouses. And make sure Duddy has enough time to activate your tracker. I’ll call you when we’ve secured the buildings.” Castillo scrutinized Crockett with the last part of his statement.

Sonny shook his head, “Don’t worry, I plan on givin’ them a run for their money.” Sonny gave his superior a wide grin.

“Crockett.” Castillo and Crockett momentarily locked eyes. To most, Martin only saying his detective’s name would have just sounded stoic and they wouldn’t know the meaning behind it. To Sonny, knowing Marty so long, he heard the undercurrent of concern and to be careful. It had taken a little time, but Crockett could read what the man meant with those single words.

“No cowboy stuff. Got it. You find Tubbs and call me right away.” Sonny answered and then urgently told his superior before grabbing his jacket and leaving.

Trudy and Gina stifled a giggled. They’d witnessed this side of Castillo and Crockett’s relationship too many times not to understand. The younger detectives and even Augustine and Dimmal didn’t understand but shrugged as they got up to check out the warehouses.

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