May 13, 2007 23:45

Hi once again. Here's the next part. Remember, I need to know if this is going right in order to finish the story. thanks and enjoy, Sue


Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters. Anthony Yerkovich created Miami Vice and Michael Mann was Executive producer, I thank them for that. This is just a fan fiction from my warped mind.


The three year old Ferrari convertible didn’t race at the speed that Sonny usually liked to drive at. That privilege had left with his badge. But that didn’t stop him from pushing it to the limit, allowing both the speed and the wind to set his mind and body free. Walking through the airport doors he combed his hand through the mess of hair before taking off the sunglasses that were placed over the collar of his tee shirt. The crowd pushed throughout the building, some looking for loved ones, others carrying their bags to the carousels, while others bought boarding passes. The blond went towards the screens with a few other people looking to see the times of the arrivals. Tubbs plane was right on schedule. Another fifteen minutes to wait. The handsome tan man acknowledged the flirts from different women as he sat down on a stool at the bar.

“What’ll it be?” The bartender asked.

“Black Jack, neat.” Sonny answered before turning with a grin to the brunette on his left.

“You boarding or waiting?” She smiled.

“Waiting. And you?” He asked while paying for his drink. He then picked it up and smacked the burning liquid down his throat.

“I’m boarding.” She told him with a pout.

:”Well then, I’d say that’s my loss.” The blond shifted, tilting his head, giving her his best tight lipped smile.

“I suppose it’s both of ours.” She smiled.

“Yeah, you got that right, darlin’. Have a nice flight now.” Sonny took the last gulp of his drink and then headed out toward the baggage carousel that had the luggage from Tubbs flight.

Sonny casually leaned against the pillar with a newspaper opened up to his nose, snickering. He watched the man getting slowly frustrated each time the carousel went around and his suitcase wasn’t on it. When the man looked like he was about to blow,

Crockett folded the newspaper, put it under his arm and walked up behind him.

“You lookin’ for this, New York?”

The detective pivoted around quickly, the anger melting. His mouth turned up to a smile that shone in his eyes at seeing the blond who looked at him with an amused grin.

“You were watchin’ me the whole time laughing, you Southern cracker.” Tubbs humorously accused.

“Well you did look pretty funny. All I needed was some popcorn cause it was like watchin’ the circus when the man’s about to explode out of the cannon.” Crockett chuckled, bringing the case into full view.

“You’ll never change.” The black man moved closer.

“You wouldn’t want me to.” The blond stated as he grabbed his friend in a tight hug.

Both men hugged each other hard before letting go and then looking at one another.

“It’s good to see you, Sonny.”

“You too.” Sonny returned the smile, “Let’s get out of this circus, the crowds driving me nuts.”

“I’m all for that.” Tubbs agreed, turning to walk through the crowd to the exit.

“I reckon I’m supposed to pull this thing?” Sonny drawled, stopping the other man in his tracks.

“Yeah, you took it and I am the guest, besides, now you look like you’re in the circus pulling an animal. Thank God it ain’t Elvis, that’d scare the crowd away.” Tubbs laughed.

“Hardy har har, I’d pay to have ole’ Elvis scare this mob away, if I still had him. C’mon lets blow this pop stand.” Sonny conceded and started pulling the bag behind him.

“I’m with you partner.”

The blond laughed hard falling into step with his friend. The darker man turned to see why he was laughing. It seemed to both like no time had passed between them, the banter was still the same. And it felt good.

“What’s with you?” Tubbs gave a curious look, liking the casual feeling.

“Just that we aren’t partners anymore, but it still sounds so right. I mean I know you have a new partner now, what’s the bozo’s name again?” The question was asked as they continued walking through the mass of people.

“Say what? You know my partner’s name is Stillman and he’s a good cop, taught him everything I know.”

“Yeah, well everything you know came from me, pal.” Crockett emphasized with a teasing grin.

“Hey, I knew enough about police work to fool you for a bit and then I was able to keep my cover and protect your ass. “ Tubbs explained. It was a discussion they had had before and was fallen back into easily.

“Granted, you did know enough to do the deal, but you did learn from me.” Crockett continued the game.

“I’ll have you know, my man, that it wasn’t just the fact that New Yark would have had my ass. But I did want to be transferred down here, to learn from you. I saw how you handled your self undercover and how the squad was different. Knew I could learn a lot and now I’m teachin’ it to my partner and other’s in my department. Only we have to do it a bit different since New Yark runs at a faster pace then you Southern boys.” Tubbs gave Crockett a big grin.

Crockett replaced his sunglasses on his face as they walked out the exit door.

“Ha, you’re a funny man, Rico, but I do have to say you were a quick study.” Sonny nodded and then took his keys, opened the trunk and put the suitcase in. He then opened the car doors and slid into the driver’s seat.

“I’m not just a quick study I’m also a pretty face.” Tubbs turned to his partner catching the stare he knew would come.

Crockett looked at Tubbs, his face turned down so he could see over the top of his sunglasses. He then shook his head. While he spoke he focused back on starting the car and allowing a cheshire cat grin to appear.

“Man, I see the egos still intact.”

The car started to move out of the parking garage.

“What can I say, I have high self esteem.”

“Your self esteem gets any higher buddy, you’ll float away.”

Both men laughed as they drove back to the marina where The Sanity Maintenance laid waiting for them.

Crockett put Tubbs suitcase in the other suite of the yacht. He then gave a tour to his friend who had never seen his house on the water before.

Tubbs took an eyeful gaze at the ship as Crockett showed him around. The cabin was bigger than the St. Vitus Dance. There were two bigger bedroom suites, a full galley with all the modern amenities. There was a dining room with a separate living area that held comfortable furniture and to Tubbs surprise modern appliances, like a nice size television, VCR, and stereo system. Then there was what Sonny had always called the head, he didn’t know why it wasn’t just called a bathroom, but what did he know. All he knew was what his partner had taught him. And thank God this head was bigger than a closet and had a nice full size shower among other things. He wasn’t surprised that the boat had been made with beautiful teakwood, everywhere. He knew Sonny always love that. Outside there was a large deck for many people to fish on, a flying bridge and the bow had plenty of room to lie out and relax in the sun. He was impressed, but what else would he expect from his friend.

Tubbs turned his head around again to take everything in before focusing back on Crockett.


“You expect less?” The blond smiled proudly.

It was clear to Rico how much Sonny loved this boat, or really his yacht. He thought about it while the ex-detective went back down stairs. After a few minutes he returned in shorts, no shirt or shoes and the infamous sunglasses. Rico was amused. He knew the full dress wouldn’t stay on once they were on the water. Never did, off duty on the Vitus either. His friend handed him a beer breaking the still fully clothed mans revive before slouching into a deck chair, bare feet up on the railing. Rico leaned against the railing to face him.

“When you sent me the pictures I’d never have thought. Geez, this musta cost you an arm and a leg.” Tubbs drew on his beer.

Sonny drank a large amount of his beer. He then let it sit on his leg, the cold condensation running down his thigh not seeming to bother the Southerner as he gazed so naturally at the water.

Rico watched. He knew the water always calmed Sonny and it seemed to be having the same affect on the New Yorker.

After thinking for a minute Tubbs was rewarded with an answer, “I used Cait’s money she left me for the boat, got everything I wanted, especially since I’d be workin’ and livin’ on it. Also got the Ferrari and a few things I needed to live. Like I’ve told you I don’t like to use Cait’s money but after selling the house I was able to get these things. Then I took some of the money she left me and put it into a trust fund for Billy, he’ll get that when he’s twenty-five, once he does something after college, which I also put money aside for. The rest I don’t touch, just some charities from the interest each year, the lawyer takes care of that. I live on what I earn and that’s how I like it.” Sonny never stopped staring at the water while he spoke and still was staring after he finished.

“Who would have figured you to give to charities? I mean I know you aren’t stingy, just never woulda though, man.”

A deep breath was pulled in, “Got money going to the police force too, for updates they need, ya know, computers, pounds, and other important things. Some goes through the captain in Metro-Dade and some is assigned to OCB Vice, of course. Castillo loves that one.” Sonny gave a ruthful smile at the mention of Vice and their former boss. He then continued, “And kids, Rico, gotta take care of the kids. I have the money going to all different children’s charities. There’s enough and Caitie loved kids.” Sonny stopped abruptly.

“Especially since she was pregnant and all that happened.” Rico softly finished his partner’s sentence.

“Yeah…..” Sonny took another long gulp of the beer before discarding it into the can,

“But that’s in the past and I’ve dealt with it, so this is one of the ways that have helped.”

“I can see that. Guess giving to Metro and Vice still gives you an in, huh?”

“Yeah, talk to Marty and the temporary captain. Thank God they got rid of that corrupt son of a bitch and put in someone I think is good. They want Castillo, but he won’t go unless I take over as Lieutenant. I knew he had me take that test for a reason, but I just can’t decide, need some time and here I can do as I please and do something else I love. No complications, just plain ole’ sanity maintenance, the way I like it.” He dropped his feet to the deck, finally turning to his friend.

“So you’re not sure about taking a lieutenants job. I mean you’d be damn good at it, ran OCB as Marty’s right hand man and everyone looks up to you. You think you’ll go back?” Curiosity came flowing out of his mouth. He knew Sonny would be one hell of a lieutenant, someone to be reckoned with; after all he was a leader. People just always followed his partner, trusted him to know how to run the plays. Tubbs was always amazed at how blindly these people would follow Sonny no matter what, even him. The man had a great deal of empathy for his people besides the know how to get the job done, no matter what it took. Rico would sometimes wonder how the men in Nam followed Sonny and if they were anything like the officers on the force, they’d follow Sonny into hell if he led them. That, to Tubbs, was loyalty, one the ex-detective deserved.

“Don’t know. I won’t lie, I’ve thought about it, just not ready but I know if I change my mind it would have to be soon. But we aren’t here to talk about my future endeavors.

Besides, I think you’re a bit over dress there, pal. So I reckon while you’re changing I’ll go make us up some grub.”

“Alright, we’ll put aside this talk for the time being. So we having the catch o da day?” Tubbs laughed.

“Something like that. But ex-nay the talk about getting my job back on the force. Hey, didn’t tell you, I rented a berth at Dade marina so we could see the gang. I thought that’d be nice. Was going to drive but figured this would be better. Leave tomorrow?” Crockett grinned back.

“Wait, you’re gonna dock this where the Vitus was?” Tubbs gave a bemused look.

“Where the Vitus is, buddy.” Sonny raised his brow in a lecherous grin.

:”Whatda mean where the Vitus is? It’s still there?” Tubbs asked bewildered.

“Yup, a young officer now turned vice undercover sergeant has taken her over.” Crockett waited to see if Tubbs would figure out who this officer was.

“And who might that be?”

“Our very own Joey Hardin. I haven’t seen him since he’s out of jeans and into the new threads, but he’s doing a great job. Calls me often if he’s stuck on a case or doesn’t know how to play it, or just to shoot the breeze, he’s good. When he did come down for a visit, in his jeans, it was good to see him.”” Sonny smiled at the thought of the kid and the pride he held for him. The blond didn’t let on much more allowing the fun of the guessing game to continue.

“Has to be, he’s always looked up to you, your protégé.” He had seen how the older man had become close to the young DEA agent in the case were Joey portended to be a witness. The young man was taken under Sonny’s wing and taught a few things, no wonder Joey was put on Vice. Sonny was a good teacher, especially when he liked someone and saw talent and there was plenty of talent in Joey Hardin.

“Ya gonna fill me in some more, or what?” Tubbs questioned anxiously.

“Right, ya been away too long, New York. I didn’t tell you the last time we spoke, forgot.”

“You…..forgot, I don’t think so.” Tubbs smiled knowing Crockett was running a game on him, “Enough of the games, I’m not a player down here anymore.”

“Ok, ok, you New Yorker’s are always in such a hurry.” Sonny chuckled, amused by his friends reaction.

“C’mon, stop being a pain in the ass and tell me already.” Tubbs growled light heartedly.

“Well, seems the Burnett cover is still alive and well, that is on the computer system, anyways. Burnett’s gone to bigger things up North and left his business, including his boats to his cousin to work the business for him. Hardin is now Joey Briggs, his partner in crime, Diaz, is now Jorge Hernandez. They run it like we did. Joey calls like I said when he needs advice or is stuck on a case and how to run it.” Sonny stared at Rico.

Rico stared back, a slow smile forming on his face, “So you ain’t totally out of the game. You’re just in to everything from the outside. The temporary captain, Castillo and even Joey and his partner, you love the strategy. You need to go back, take the lieutenants job.”

“Yeah guess a part of me still does. And like I said I’m still thinkin’ on that, so drop it, pal, I know what you’re trying to do.” Crockett shook his mane and again changed the subject about the lieutenant’s job. “But remember, down at the marina I have to keep my cover and you do too. We are still Burnett and Cooper checking up on the business. I worked it all out with Joey, Jorge, Marty and the temporary captain.”

“So even on vacation I’m still an undercover cop and we’re partners once again. Gotta hand it to ya man, you sure can do things with style. Having a cover and not being an officer anymore, hmm.” Tubbs could see that Sonny was in deep but couldn’t understand why the blond wouldn’t take the whole plunge.

“And you thought us Southern crackers didn’t have your New York style.” Crockett then gave a warning glare to his friend. “I said drop it, Tubbs and I ain’t bein’ polite this time.” Sonny’s voice had risen with what he said.

Tubbs realized he’d have to let the subject go for now. He could see the Southerner’s temper rising and didn’t want to deal with it. He’d find another way.

“Ok, pal, no more for now. Tomorrow at the marina we be Burnett and Cooper, mon.” Tubbs lightened the mood as he always did with Sonny. After years he knew how to handle his moody friend.

Both men laughed wildly at the idea. Tomorrow they’d be back in Miami and back as unofficial partners, but none the less, back. This excited Tubbs and even though Sonny didn’t show it he knew that the ex-detective was excited too.


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