A Hello and a MV fan fiction! "The Current Can Change On A Dime"

May 13, 2007 03:04

Hey Amy and Oddmonster, I'm glad I found this. I don't know who else is on here but will look through this to see other stories and people on here. Shame how it's hard to find Vice people around. Anyway, I found my old notes on how to post chapters and hope it's the same way as it was about a year ago when I posted stories on another fandom on LJ. I don't keep up with my Lj , just took it up so I could get on to LJ's site like this one.
Ok, I have a fan fiction I started writing. This is my first MV fan fiction I wrote but not the first time I've written, as I said I wrote alot for another fandom.
My favorite character is Sonny and I enjoy reading about the squad and that wonderful James"Sonny" Crockett. So, I hope that this story comes across real and I have the characters down. I have to tell you I'm afraid of that since, again, this is my first MV fan fic. Enjoy and let me know what you think. Please let me know if I need to tweak the characters or anything that will help me in finishing this story . I have a prologue and four chapters so far.....The story is called "THE CURRENT CAN CHANGE ON A DIME" Enjoy, thanks, Sue


Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters. Anthony Yerkovich created Miami Vice and Michael Mann was Executive producer, I thank them for that. This is just a fan fiction from my warped mind.


The huge charter ship lay bobbing in its berth, the wake of another boat gently spraying ocean water against her well kept hull. The immaculate ship was both a business and a home for its captain. Being a native Floridian, the ocean and the sun were in his blood. The cold beer that slid down his parched throat seemed to chase away the extreme heat that blazed down. He never minded the heat. Most who migrated to the South from the North always would comment on how he didn’t seem to sweat, just glisten while they became drenched. He’d just laugh it off as he had done with his friend from New York several years back.

James “Sonny” Crockett had quit the force four years earlier, along with his partner, Ricardo Tubbs. Sonny, as he was always called, had finally burned out after seeing too much corruption from many different departments that were supposed to serve and protect. His former Lieutenant, John Malone had taught him when to take out his gun and then later, when to holster it. He threw his badge onto the tarmac along side his partner’s in lieu of holstering his gun.

Serve and protect was why he had joined the force so many years ago. Sometimes he wondered if they weren’t fools to think that being officers of the law could change things. Sure, they did put a dent in crime, but how could you fight crime and fight other law enforcement agencies? You always got dropped in to the trick bag.

But he was young back then and with years came wisdom. Wisdom, that’s what his old partner Evan had said. He had to laugh sometimes at that one. But it did let him see the differences of how to play the game within the lines. Until the Borbon case, that’s when he’d realized he’d played the game way too long.

At first he was lost, no longer being a cop. The ex-detective had only ever had three careers in his life. He started out a football player, well that didn’t work; it just messed up his knee. Then the great U S of A decided to draft him, a soldier in Nam, a war that should never had been fought. There he saw too many things, but acquired knowledge that would become useful. The army had told him all he had to do was follow orders, keep his head low, and most of all, think. But still he suffered seeing death of friends, death of innocent people, torture, drugs, and soldiers going crazy or committing suicide. Even with seeing this entire mess he was good at what he did, other soldiers looked up to him. He was a leader and the army knew it, trained him in Special Operations. He could fire a rifle from quite a distance and hit, right on target. After coming home with these army skills and seeing what he had, the choice was made, the police academy.

Well it didn’t matter anymore. Sonny was doing what he wanted now. He could relax running a fishing charter. Living on The Sanity Maintenance was a good life. After all he had lived on the St. Vitus Dance more years than he had lived in a home once he was on the force. The ex-detective sat on his boat. Yeah, he wasn’t young and immortal anymore, now that his forty fourth birthday was coming up. The years had been kind though. He had put on a few pounds but he still had a nice tan body. The sun blond hair that lay just above his shoulders and slight wrinkles on his dark face only showed maturity, enhancing his good looks.

The first year in a half as a civilian Crockett found out who he was. The guilt from the death of Sonny’s second wife and unborn child had been dealt with along with some other demons. He was seeing his fifteen year old son, Billy. They had developed a close relationship, seeing each other often and phoning each other several times a week. Crockett still kept in touch with his friends from OCB as well as others. He’d visit them or they’d visit him and the phone calls would go back and forth. Finally, life was feeling good again.

The Southerner smiled at the pages that had been flipping through his mind. He hadn’t thought about his past in sometime until Rico had called saying that things didn’t work out with Valerie after years of trying. He had visited Rico and Valerie two years ago and came away wondering if things would ever work out for his friend and the lady that had always been in the New Yorker’s heart. Sonny was sad about the turn of events, but was excited at the thought of Rico coming down for a few weeks. That’s all the time the officer could take off from the New York police department. Sonny still teased his former partner about returning to the force. As for Sonny, he played it safe, dated different women, never getting serious, hoping someday to stumble on the right one.

The hour was late; the moon shone on the water, Sonny took one last look before he stepped down into the cabin and got ready for bed. It had cooled down drastically making the sheets on the bed cool. Sonny turned off the small light before snuggling down into the bed. Tomorrow he’d pick up Tubbs from the airport. The blond could hardly wait. He made sure he had stocked up and everything in the cabin was clean. This would be a time mixed with helping his friend heal and hopefully have some fun. Maybe the two ex-partners would drive to Miami and surprise the old gang. Now that would be some kind of fun. Who knows what could happen, Sonny thought as his mind drifted off in to dream filled slumber.

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