FIC: Switek/Zito

Jan 18, 2007 10:13

Fandom: "Miami Vice" (The 80's television show, not the 2006 film.)
Author: wonda_woman69
Pairing: Vice Detective Stanley 'Stan' Switek x Vice Detective Laurence 'Larry' Zito (aka 'Lar')
Theme Set: Gamma
Rating: Ranges from 'G' to a hard 'R'
Warnings: slash (male/male lovin'), canon death of character (which is ironic since I'm not big on death fics ^^;), some curse words, some drug use, spoilers for the episodes "Made For Each Other" and "Down For the Count" part 1 and 2.
Notes: First off, I own no part of the "Miami Vice" TV program. I am just using the characters for fun, and make no monetary profit off of this fic. Second, the sentences jump around a lot time-wise. Third, I did not use a beta reader, so any and all of the mistakes are my fault (and Microsoft Word's ^^).

Enjoy! =^D

#1 Ring- As soon as Stan entered the musty old gym and saw that Larry wasn’t waiting by the boxing ring as promised, his stomach twisted into knots sensing that something just went horribly wrong with their undercover assignment.

#2 Hero- Larry could not remove his eyes from Stan's mouth or remove his imagination from the gutter, as Stan sucked on the dill pickle that came complimentary with his hero sandwich.

#3 Memory- Even though it has been a year since Larry was murdered, the memory of finding Lar in the shower, needle in his arm, still woke Stan up screaming and tear-streaked.

#4 Box- What started as a mock-wrestling match over the last box of Raisinets, ended up as a real tangle of limbs and sloppy, passionate kisses.

#5 Run- Stan absolutely hated having to run after suspects, but he adored the ways Lar would massage the kinks right out of his body.

#6 Hurricane- Upon hearing news that a new hurricane was heading toward Miami within the week, Switek, Zito, and the other detectives started forming a plan of action.

#7 Wings- Buffalo wings hot off the grill, fresh ears of corn slathered with butter, creamy mashed potatoes and a case of cold beer, now that was what Stan called a romantic meal.

#8 Cold- Larry often wished that Miami would get cold enough to snow so he could lay with Stan, wrapped up in a cozy blanket, in front of a roaring fireplace.

#9 Red- Larry could not contain his laughter after reading the special Valentine card that Stan gave him: "Roses are red, Violets are exactly blue, Forget about all this mushy stuff and let's just screw!"

#10 Drunk- Even drunk as skunks, Stan and Lar could see the intense attraction smoldering between their friends, Sonny and Rico.

#11 Midnight- Gazing up at a navy midnight sky, watching the orbs of light called stars wink their "hellos," Stan and Lar entwine their hands while wishing for forever.

#12 Temptation- While the temptation to just throw caution to the wind and live openly as vice cops who just happen to be bisexual men is great, Switek and Zito know that the world of law enforcement is not ready for such a concept, yet.

#13 View- When Stan caught Larry staring at his ass for the first time, Stan playfully remarked-- while shaking said ass --"You like the view back there, partner?"

#14 Music- Elvis Presley's "Love Me Tender" drifted in from the living room stereo to mingle with the sounds of two hearts now beating as one.

#15 Silk- A warm, tingling sensation swept through Stan's body from head to toe when Larry, ever so casually, whispered in his ear, "I'm wearing those black silk boxers you bought me for Valentine's Day under my jeans."

#16 Cover- Usually, in the sack, right before sex is not the best time to be cracking corny jokes or puns, but Stan's "I'm going in; cover me" just added fuel to an already lit fire.

#17 Promise- There was no need for promises; Larry and Stan both knew that the other would always be there-- one way or another --for love and support.

#18 Dream- Stan and Lar's dream for the future was simple, just keep living each day to the fullest, together.

#19 Candle- As Stan blew out the candles on his birthday cake, his friends-- Sonny, Rico, Trudy, Gina and even Castillo --immediately knew what he was wishing hard for: that this was all an illusion, and that Larry would walk through the door, alive and well.

#20 Talent- Larry loves to watch old Elvis movies with Stan, or more precisely, he loves to watch Stan watch the movies, since he always sings along with the King with such flair.

#21 Silence- After Larry passed away, life's music ceased, the music replaced with an unsettling quiet that weighed heavily on both Stan's heart and soul.

#22 Journey- Their short, yet careful, journey from friends to lovers began the very afternoon when Stan chose his best friend over his new girlfriend, Darlene.

#23 Fire- As the heroin flows through his veins, buring away any life that it encounters, Larry's thoughts are completely on Stan and how all of this could be happening to him-- to them.

#24 Strength- The strength of the oak kitchen table surely came into question when the lovers heard a protesting creak before any real table-rocking action could begin.

#25 Mask- If one could actually spontaneously combust, then Stan would have burned to a cinder when he saw Larry donning his new Halloween costume-- Robin, complete with black mask and snug green briefs and tights.

#26 Ice- Similar to the ice in their long since forgotten glasses of Coke, they melted into one another, causing their bodies to glisten with a sheen of sweat.

#27 Fall- Every fall, Larry and Stan locate the largest pumpkins that they can carry, and then proceed to see who can carve the gourds into the lewdest scenes.

#28 Forgotten- There was no forgetting Laurence Zito, for he was everywhere that Stan went; the lingering scent of his cologne hanging with his shirts in the closet, his photos smiling back from the nightstand and from Stan's wallet, and with the shiny, golden watch that never leaves Stan's wrist.

#29 Dance- Bodies swaying to the music in their hearts, fingertips waltzing over sensitized skin and lips dipping towards one another; that is the sensual dance of lovers.

#30 Body- Rough, thick hands brought Larry not only to completion, but also to complete ecstasy.

#31 Sacred- They may never say so to one another, but the two men regard each other as their most sacred possessions.

#32 Farewells- Stan chose not to say "farewell" to Larry, instead "I'll see you again soon, buddy."

#33 World- Stan soon discovered the old cliche was true, with Larry the world felt more alive, safer, and the world appeared more vibrant and picturesque.

#34 Formal- The two men have often stated after seeing friends and family cooing over the latest nuptials, "Who needs formalities if one has indeed found the other half of their soul?"

#35 Fever- Larry busied himself in the kitchen by making Grandma Zito's homemade chicken soup while Stan, with a fever of 101, rested in the bedroom.

#36 Laugh- Safely back in the Vice van, Stan and Lar burst out laughing at Sonny and Rico's latest round of not-so-subtle flirting.

#37 Lies- Larry lies in bed draped over Stan's sleeping form as his free hand roams over Stan's broad chest, through the dirty blonde curls of chest hair, then down towards something guaranteed to wake Stan up.

#38 Forever- Underneath the gleaming wristwatch now donning Stan's wrist, immortal words were engraved-- "Forever Yours, L.Z."

#39 Overwhelmed- Smoke overwhelmed the small apartment, alerting Larry that Stan's birthday cake was about to make an ash of itself.

#40 Whisper- On those nights when Stan looks toward Heaven and utters a broken "I still love you, Lar," he swears he hears the wind whisper back "And I, you."

#41 Wait- While knocking back shot after shot, Stan berated himself over Larry's death by repeating variations of the same question, "Why the shit did I wait so long to hook up with Lar?"

#42 Talk- Every month after Larry's funeral, Stan makes sure to call Larry's mom to check up on her, and to offer support by lending an ear or a hand.

#43 Search- Larry and Stan, during one of their rare days off, scoured pet store after pet store in search of the perfect gift for Harriet, Larry's beloved pet fish.

#44 Hope- Leaning back into the soft leather of the booth's upholstery, Stan smiled sadly as he remembered that he and Larry had hoped to "come out" to Larry's mom and his five brothers and sisters right after their latest case concluded.

#45 Eclipse- Standing outside the Eclipse nightclub in full leather bar regalia, Larry was tempted to ignore their assignment, not to mention the crowd, and shove Stan up against the brick wall for a toe-curling makeout session.

#46 Gravity- "What goes up, must come down;" not only does that rule apply in nature, it also applies to Stan and Larry's clothes.

#47 Highway- Parked in a secluded spot off the highway, Larry and Stan share a quick kiss before their police radio calls them back to action.

#48 Unknown- Unbeknownst to the guys, Gina and Trudy-- their coworkers and good friends --had an inkling that Stan and Lar were way more than just best friends.

#49 Lock- After locking up the house for the night and after making sure the answering machine was switched on, the guys raced to the bedroom, shedding unnecessary clothing along the way.

#50 Breathe- For a few months after losing Larry, Stan found that for every partner he hooked up with, be it job related or sexual, he would occasionally just watch the person breathe in and out, out and in, making sure they were still with him.

~Wonda Woman~


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