Title: Family Arc II - 40B
Author: vic_sim
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot. I apologise for any incorrect portrayal of people or any inaccurate details mentioned in my story.
Pairing: None at the moment.
Category: Angst/Comfort
Rating: NC-16 (just to be safe)
Summary: Who is Kyuhyun with? And their reactions.
Arc I Arc II (
Siwon was pulled by Heechul... )
Comments 12
I loved this, as well...I'm constantly amazed by how well you can get into their heads...I love how everyone who primarily gives comfort are finally receiving it themselves...
::hugs and goes to c::
It took me a long time to write this part. though I wasn't sure whether to add this part in for I've just wrote a similar part in the previous chapter. But I just like delving into their minds!It makes me happy!haha.Though what comes out of it is sad.=P
Thank you for reading and commenting!
Well, you're amazing at it, and I'm gonna cry when this is done...
So he didn't punch the old man? Damn. *sulks* He should have.... but I guess it's better this way.
*had a feeling it was DBSK to the rescue hehehe* <333
*feels so sad for the boys tho* :(
aww.everyone can guess my mind...=(
haha.just joking. I'd supposed that it would be quite obvious.cos who else would it be??^^
It'll all get better in the epilogue!^^
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No cryings!!
Hae will be fine and so will Kyu!!^^
lj didnt let me post them in two chapters!!
Thank you for reading!
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