Advent Day 14: 12 (Fangirl) Days of Christmas

Dec 14, 2007 20:02

(for gorgon_mythos)

This was fun! My hand hurts from computer drawing, though. :)

The Twelve (Fangirl) Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
A livejournal on a PC!

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Two boys kissing

and a livejournal on a PC!

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Three love memes,

Two boys kissing,
and a livejournal on a PC!

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Four crazy stalkers,

Three love memes,
Two boys kissing,
and a livejournal on a PC!

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Five PWPeeeeeees!

Four crazy stalkers,
Three love memes,
Two boys kissing,
and a livejournal on a PC!

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Six twue love pairings,

Five PWPeeeeeees!
Four crazy stalkers,
Three love memes,
Two boys kissing,
and a livejournal on a PC!

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Seven porny icons,

Six twue love pairings,
Five PWPeeeeeees!
Four crazy stalkers,
Three love memes,
Two boys kissing,
and a livejournal on a PC!

On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Eight fangirl crushes,

Seven porny icons,
Six twue love pairings,
Five PWPeeeeeees!
Four crazy stalkers,
Three love memes,
Two boys kissing,
and a livejournal on a PC!

On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Nine meta essays,

Eight fangirl crushes,
Seven porny icons,
Six twue love pairings,
Five PWPeeeeeees!
Four crazy stalkers,
Three love memes,
Two boys kissing,
and a livejournal on a PC!

On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Ten sticks of lipgloss,

Nine meta essays,
Eight fangirl crushes,
Seven porny icons,
Six twue love pairings,
Five PWPeeeeeees!
Four crazy stalkers,
Three love memes,
Two boys kissing,
and a livejournal on a PC!

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Eleven TV torrents,

Ten sticks of lipgloss,
Nine meta essays,
Eight fangirl crushes,
Seven porny icons,
Six twue love pairings,
Five PWPeeeeeees!
Four crazy stalkers,
Three love memes,
Two boys kissing,
and a livejournal on a PC!

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Twelve slashy moments,

Eleven TV torrents,
Ten sticks of lipgloss,
Nine meta essays,
Eight fangirl crushes,
Seven porny icons,
Six twue love pairings,
Five PWPeeeeeees!
Four crazy stalkers,
Three love memes,
Two boys kissing,
and a livejournal on a PC!

In other news, I totally cracked up laughing in one of my classes today for the stupidest thing. A particularly rambunctious group of kids was talking and yelling and trying to make me speak in French, so I was sitting and waiting for them to calm down. This age (12-13) loves telling their classmates to be quiet in as many ways as they can, and "Shut up" is always a favourite. Because of the Rihanna song, it generally leads to someone saying "Shut up and drive," and then the conversation (or screaming) continues. Today, one of the little boys said it, and the girl across from him challenged him that he didn't even know what the words meant. Defensive now, boy defends his honor, and says that they mean, well, "Ta gueule et seche, mais j'sais pas qu'est ce qui a a faire avec seche" (disclaimer: from memory and in my crappy French). It just KILLED me. Cause seche = dry. Not drive. So he was confused about why the song was about shutting up and drying something.

Still making me laugh, and I know it isn't funny at all. It was just in that moment, perfect.

doodling, advent calendar, french kids are awesome

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