Hey all
I have recently been looking, with great effort mind you, and bought one of Meryl’s old movies
‘Death Becomes Her’ because the cover looked and it sounded so interesting.
When I came home I watched it immediately. You know in the movies when they say
‘I laughed so much I cried and nearly died’ well that was me. I never though that, that was possible. I practically had to pause the movie several times, because I was laughing so much I could not breathe and could not see because of the tears.
To those who have not seen or even heard of this little number please gallop from your houses NOW to the nearest store and find and watch it! There will be a gap in your education otherwise. It is deliciously brilliant dark comedy and the reason why I’m posting this in a DWP web is because Meryl’s slutty character, yes Meryl plays a funny slut in this one, have several Miranda moments. (I know weird hey)With out giving too much away in one scene she is behind a plant and gives her signature glare and if you look past the long hair you see Miranda hair; complete with light colour and fringe. There’s also a scene where she is half crying in a castle and I could not help thinking of the hotel bathrobe scene. She is scary as well, especially when she has a shotgun…
The movie is about a awful, and I mean really awful, actress Madeline Ashton (hard to believe but yes Meryl plays her) who always steels her best friend’s Helen Sharp’s (played by Goldie Hawn, I know awesome to see them together) boyfriend since they where children. One night when Madeline is giving an awkward rendition of song bird of youth (though she is in her late 30s and many people leave the musical long before it ends,) (she sings here as well so… hehe very funny …ABBA on steroids) her best friend along with her fiancé Dr. Ernest Manville a plastic surgeon (Bruce Willis weird hey) watches her show. Ernest a nerdy man is utterly in awe when watching Madeline and gives her a standing ovation even though the rest of the audience flees the theatre in disgust. Helen and Ernest go to Madeline after the show. After there reunion Madeline literally steals Ernest away as well and leaves Helen in deep depression so you’ll be able to see Goldie Hawn in a fat soot and Meryl in an awful wedding dress. She looks beautiful never the less (viding ahoy). Funny… anyway after 14 years Madeline in bitching about her age and Ernest is depro for marrying her so he drinks a lot. They both are invited to Helen’s new weight-loss book release though they have not heard from since the wedding. Madeline suspects to see her ‘friend’ fat and wants to out shine her so she goes to a spa but nothing can be done about her age. Angry (yes we see Meryl shout at someone… very entertaining) a strange man gives her a card and tells her to seek out Lisle Von Rhuman. Thinking he’s a weirdo she leaves without seeing Lisle. When she arrives at the party Helen is revealed not to be fat anymore and looks amazing and very thin. He looks in her 20s. Angry and crushed Madeline seeks help from the strange card and is led to a castle. There she is offered eternal life and youth if she drinks a potion. Wanting to be beautiful again she drinks it and all fun breaks lose. This scene is very funny because the potion makes Meryl’s character younger again in bizarre ways.
It’s so strange because while I was watching this movie I kept looking at Meryl thinking. ‘Uhmmm sorry for even thinking this, but have you gained weight?’ Then watching this scene I understood because she becomes her old(well younger) thin and I mean very thin self again, so she probably had to gain weight and wear padding in some places throughout the movie before this scene. She has thick makeup on to make her skin look older and worn down. As the movie progresses she just becomes more beautiful or doll like until…well you’ll have to watch to find out what happens next. The scene where she changes is hilarious because everything that sagged through age literally sucks back into place and I mean every thing. She acts extremely well in this and show a new side of herself. She can do anything and I have a lot of respect for her. Further more, you see Meryl in hilarious scenes with special effects, witty lines, battles with Goldie Hawn (evolving a broken shovel and a bulls-eye) and very very funny makeup.
In 3 words it is a story of ‘greed, vanity and sex.’
Hehe hope the explanation was not to long. Enjoy the pictures and the link of some clips from youtube but do watch the whole thing.
It is AWESOME. Let me know what you think.
And BTW it is weirder to think she (Meryl) did ‘the Hours’ after this movie. The total opposite of ‘Death becomes her’ and my favourite movie besides TDWP of Meryl Streep.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC8FQ6wxWdI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzsSXghvtAM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiBSYUh6LVg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g-yzKpAQLs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEGvgsCOtzI&feature=related So enjoy and
Take care