1. Black Rainbow

Feb 02, 2022 13:31

Tuesday, March 11th-10:43 a.m.

1,392 words. Approximate reading time: 6 minutes, 56 seconds.

“You can’t be serious with this,” Elaina said as she walked into her editor-in-chief’s office, holding up a few sheets of paper covered in text. Howard, the editor-in-chief, looked up from his computer at Elaina with an exasperated facial expression, and ( Read more... )

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Comments 36

dsrmousey February 7 2022, 03:41:27 UTC
My son has been freaking about the grocery stores for weeks. He comes home in tears sometimes because he's not able to get everything. I tell him as long as we can get flour, sugar, and eggs we'll be ok because his mom knows how to make bread, and all sorts of things. He also knows howto cook (beyond what I taught him). And we can do things from scratch.

And I wish the inoculation rate was 85% then we really wouldn't need to worry as much. This pandemic is making everyone crazy.

I loved the format and the flow of this piece. I also enjoyed reading it and wanted to know more about Elaina and how everything turned out! Peace~~~D


viagra February 7 2022, 13:39:06 UTC
It personally hit me a while back when I stopped being able to get my canned Starbucks Doubleshot from the 7-Eleven (a usual post-work tradition). My understanding is that there is a bit of an aluminum shortage, so companies are prioritizing their higher selling products, making it harder to find the things that don't sell as well. Between that and never being able to find anything in the drink coolers at Walgreens, I found myself thinking, 'Is no one else concerned about the fact that these coolers have been empty for months ( ... )


tonithegreat February 7 2022, 03:57:13 UTC
Interesting! It’s hard for me to imagine a world where one editor would push his journalists not to tell an exciting story for the good of the common. That seems like something that only happens with state run media. But maybe the state or the oligarchs behind the state do have the attention of this editor. I will be interested to learn more about this corner of the world you’re developing here!


viagra February 7 2022, 13:41:55 UTC
That's a good point you bring up - especially since, in my imagination, this story is taking place at a local news station. I could maybe understand national news not going over-the-top sensational with a story like this (but that's a big maybe; ratings are everything for the 24-hour news stations), but local news would probably not care as much, since they only reach a small portion of the population. Obviously, the editor-in-chief has people over him who have people over them who have people over them, so who knows where exactly the directives are coming from and why. That's definitely something I'm considering exploring a bit more later on. :)

Thank you for your kind words!


numero_nine February 7 2022, 16:59:24 UTC
Very interesting take and relevant to the day. I wish the media did what they could to soften the blows. It seems that all we hear anymore is doom, gloom, and a healthy dose of fearmongering for flavor. It seems to me like the media has a vested interest in keeping people afraid and in that "dumb, panicky, dangerous animal" sort of mind.

Well written and thought provoking piece. Well done.


viagra February 7 2022, 19:08:06 UTC
Thank you! :)

I would love to see the media just tell things like they are without putting any sort of slant on it. In a case like in the story, I get the idea of trying to not freak people out too much, but at the same time, downplaying something of that seriousness doesn't seem very helpful, either. I think a lot of people really do enjoy the doom and gloom and being scared, but I honestly try to avoid letting myself get sucked into the news because of that sort of thing. It's not good for one's psyche to be steeped in negativity all the time, I think.


numero_nine February 10 2022, 05:02:14 UTC
I am with you. I'd love to see the media just tell things like they are without spin or slant. I do what I can to avoid mainstream media outlets and seek out alternative, more independent sources of information. I like to stay informed but I also don't like having just one source of information.


roina_arwen February 7 2022, 20:52:40 UTC
Very thought provoking and well written! Great job!


viagra February 7 2022, 20:57:01 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


alycewilson February 8 2022, 01:22:46 UTC
Interesting take on the news media, as well as a commentary on the things we're dealing with right now.


viagra February 8 2022, 15:28:42 UTC
Thank you - I keep having these moments when I'll see things on TV or read the news and I just say to myself, "I'm sorry, but this just can't be real life, right?" I don't love to be dire but it is kind of fun to take things far further than they probably will ever go and think about what the world might look like. :)


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