
Aug 15, 2005 21:17

i blocked someone because he said i shouldnt have done so bad in math class last year and i try to tell people that it's really hard for me to do math and im going to really need extra help this year. k bye

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Comments 10

waterlanding August 15 2005, 18:25:01 UTC
Good for you. Math sucks, ugh. What math are you in this year? ♥


vetur August 15 2005, 18:30:54 UTC
regular old algebra 2. i just finished geometry. he was like wah wah i'm in AP cal or whatever. you should of paid attention and done your homework. well, i did all that. "you should of asked your teacher for help." well.. i did. he told me i should know the stuff already.

i was doing somewhat okay until the last quarter. i bombed that shit and by that point it was too late for a tutor.


waterlanding August 15 2005, 18:39:02 UTC
Ew, I hated geometry. Trust me, algebra 2 is not only better/less boring/whatever, it's easier too. Try not to worry too much about it. :) And I'll try to help you out if you need it.


wherewolf August 15 2005, 18:41:18 UTC
don't worry, i am the exact same way. math is just not my subject. even when i try my hardest, i always end up making a bad grade!


desertcity August 15 2005, 18:53:19 UTC
i get those people all the time, especially when i explain that i've had to take both algebra and geometry twice, just to pass. i'm taking algebra 2 this school year too, and i hope i dont have to take that again. good luck to you !


_carousels August 15 2005, 19:02:43 UTC
mathematics & i don't get along.
who needs anything anyway, aside from adding, subtracting, division & multiplication... maybe some fractions & percentages... but formulas? NO THANKS.
i liked geometry though cos i got to draw a lot of circles & shit.
all i have to say about that boy is: fuck 'em!


ohdistance August 15 2005, 19:16:08 UTC
what is the point of geometry anyway?
like were ever gonna use that shit again.


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