The evolution of creativity
Creativity and Evolution are the synonyms.
The constant search for a balance between stabilization and progress. And as a result is a new level.
Preventing of creativity and evolution consists in attempt by an effort of will to stop the perpetual motion and to fix something or somebody. However, the power of continuous movement of the Universe covers us with a wave and blows us from the point which we clung to .It's the status quo, creating the illusion of stability.
The only status quo that a person can give himself without a doubt is the fact that he is part of the Universe,submitting to its physical laws, which he can always know only a part, no matter how his knowledge of the world increased.
With the naked eye it is possible to observe the Earth movement around the Sun. It does not stop to take a rest and enjoy the results of its work -the selfish and vain humanity.
Everything always moves. If in any part of its system the movement suddenly stops it will collapse and will cease to exist.
A person is a moving process, and his attempt to stop his development, having refused to realize it and to participate in it consciously, leads to the degradation and death. And they say that there is no death, actually, if not hinder the development and to be included in it with all his being.
The evolution has no other laws, except the evolution. The experimentation and choice of the most developing form of life from all the results of these experiments. Development serves only to the development and nothing else. The only things wich can develop-can live.On hearings, the Universe is 14 billion years, and it's still alive, because it continues to develop itself.
Man, as a being of the animal,is governed by using the carrot and stick: pain and pleasure. In an attempt to catch and fix pleasure, a person prevents the development and thus exhausts himself and is punished for his greed to idleness. Nature brings up us to be inducing to join in knowledge of its laws and full, all being, inclusion in its activity.
Creativity is a results of mental, intellectual and physical activity.It is a process that requires a conscious discipline to not attempt to take power over the laws of nature, and how to make these laws dignified way.
The degree of humanity of the creator at the basic level determines the value of his creativity for mankind.
The creator is a judge of beauty of the Universe system, observing this beauty and expressing it outside, consciously participating in infinite movement of creativity in the nature, in evolution.
The Human Creator awakens humanity and creativity in others.
To be human is to be a Creator. These are synonyms. The person without creativity in soul, mind and activity, no more, than the trained monkey where the trainer is a monkey, learned to train.
By Nina Rubstein.
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