Title: Santa Jared (Hurry Down the Chimney Tonight) 2/2
veterizationDisclaimer: I do not own these people.
Rating: NC-17
Genre and/or Pairing: Jared/Jensen (and a side of Steve Carlson/Christian Kane)
Word Count: ~17,000
Summary: AU. Jensen meets Jared Padalecki, the Santa at the store, and happens to fall for him. Festivity and romance ensues.
Part I (
Jensen's horribly glad that he's still attracted to Jared when he isn't Santa, because if that wasn't the case, there would be a lot of self evaluation to be done. )
Comments 15
at Salt and Burn Recs. Please contact us if you would like the post removed.
I really enjoyed your visual language, the way the words painted pictures and the images flowed and felt vibrant.
And I adored Jensen and Jared, too, of course, the way Jensen pined for Jared and how they just clicked when they got together. Chris and Steve were fun, as well. And I love how Jared's love for Christmas turned Jensen around as well. So sweet.
Lovely little holiday story, thanks so much.
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