
Jan 05, 2010 18:49

It is amazing how a little blood can make a man want.


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and_intothefire January 6 2010, 03:10:11 UTC
It does all supposedly come back to blood, doesn't it?


and_intothefire January 6 2010, 19:56:50 UTC
Circular logic pisses you off too, huh?

I'm not a whore, Nathan. You fucking asshole. And why is it you never answer that question? Ever? Outside once again calling me a whore?


verysinister January 6 2010, 20:00:50 UTC
Apparently we have at least that much in common.

I'm sorry. Would it help if I took away the question mark? I'm only calling a duck a duck.


and_intothefire January 6 2010, 20:04:35 UTC
I'm so thrilled we finally have something to discuss over tea.

Okay. You think I'm a whore. I get that. Why does it fucking matter to you? And don't say 'having to patch you up', since you're not the only doctor.


verysinister January 6 2010, 20:07:12 UTC
I wasn't aware you even liked tea.

Well, I am the only doctor you ever seem to find, aren't I? Oh--wait. Another question. Hmm. Perhaps I just think, as I have said on numerous occasions, that it seems you have no respect for yourself.


and_intothefire January 6 2010, 20:10:06 UTC
I do. Green tea is good stuff.

And how does my lack of self respect affect you in any way, shape, or form, dear doctor?


verysinister January 6 2010, 20:13:57 UTC
Ah. I prefer the traditional Earl Gray myself.

Call me a good Samaritan, wishing better things for you than a view of the ceiling.


and_intothefire January 6 2010, 20:21:12 UTC
Hm. The Lipton we're provided here is crap.

Oh fuck you, that is total bullshit. You're not even a good liar. God damn you're annoying.


verysinister January 6 2010, 20:24:15 UTC
It is really a shame.

[laughs] Dear Jean, does it anger you more, knowing that I'm telling the truth? You could be so much and yet you revel in petty cruelties and open your legs to mongrels.


and_intothefire January 6 2010, 20:31:00 UTC
Damned shame. I drink more coffee now.

You keep throwing this 'could be so much' thing around. I have no idea why you have any kind of expectations of me, but fuck off. It's annoying.

And I'll open my legs to whomever I choose, asshole.


verysinister January 6 2010, 20:36:56 UTC
Coffee is terrible for a person.

As you have proven several times now. And if I annoy you so, perhaps you should work harder to keep away from me--I don't believe that I have sought you out even once.


and_intothefire January 6 2010, 21:29:04 UTC
Mhm. It's been keeping me up nights. How have you been sleeping?

Fuck off.


verysinister January 6 2010, 22:36:19 UTC
Fine. Should I be sleeping otherwise?



and_intothefire January 6 2010, 22:45:09 UTC
I'm not sure anyone sleeps fine around here.

Fucking prick. The jabs and barbs are unnecessary, really. I get it. You think I'm a whore. You believe me to be beneath you. Is that the point you were trying to make? Point made.

Doesn't mean I'm going to behave any differently to please you. Fuckface.


verysinister January 6 2010, 23:08:37 UTC
Well, that may be true. It is rather cold.

If I thought you beneath me would I be worrying about you respecting yourself? Hardly. Please, Jean, matyrdom hardly becomes you.


and_intothefire January 6 2010, 23:42:58 UTC
There is the cold, yes. And the comfort level of the beds.

[glares] You make no fucking sense.


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