Ficlet - The Next Morning for spn_30snapshots

May 30, 2012 22:55

Title: The Next Morning
Author: verucasalt123
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean/Cas
Claim: Theme 07: Get Your Kink On
Prompt(s): #5, afterglow
W/C: ~ 660
Rating: R
Disclaimer: These boys do not belong to me.
Summary: The freakout, shockingly, does not show up.
A/N: for prompts from tiggeratl1 and saltandbyrne. Hope y’all like it.

While he watched Cas peacefully sleeping (sleeping hard, like he did now that he was human), Dean was not-so patiently waiting.

He was not waiting for Cas to wake up. Or for something to interrupt the early morning hours with some kind of bad news.

Dean was waiting for his freakout. He wasn’t really sure which kind. Maybe the ‘I just fucked a dude’ freakout. Or more likely the ‘I just fucked a dude who used to be an angel AND a virgin until a few hours ago’ freakout. The ‘Oh, and we also spent the whole night afterward cuddling each other and I was the fucking little spoon' freakout was a close runner-up. Honestly, there was no shortage of material here to lead to a meltdown of epic proportions.

So he waited.

And he watched Cas sleep some more.

And waited some more.

Then, to keep his mind off the waiting, he let his thoughts wander back to the previous night. The tender kisses, the uncertainty and then the passion on both their parts, the complete loss of any holding back that had been going on for WhoTheFuckEver knows how long.

So now here they were. Early morning light shining in through the cheap curtains of their motel room, alone due to Sam catching a clue the previous evening and getting his own room.

Feeling Cas stir against his back (because yes, little spoon), he wondered for a second if Cas was the one who was going to flip. Because Dean was beginning to suspect that maybe he wasn’t.

Cas’ lips found the back of Dean’s neck instantly, and his arm tightened around Dean’s torso just the slightest bit.

“Good morning, Dean.”

“Uh…mornin’, Cas. You, uh…are you okay?”

And there it was. Cas laughed. Well, all right, maybe it was more of a giggle. And what the fuck?

“Yes, Dean. Of course I’m okay. We finally stopped pretending we didn’t want this, so we took it, and here we are, what could possibly be not ‘okay’ about that?”

Dean turned over so he could look Cas in the eye.


“Oh, come on, Dean. You didn’t freak out yet. I didn’t freak out yet. I think that means neither of us is going to freak out.”

So Dean took a minute to contemplate his situation. He was wrapped up with his best friend, now his lover, letting the sun wash over them and not moving away from each other’s touch. Something inside him fell, and he moved in closer, kissing Cas full-on and not giving a shit about morning breath.

“That was amazing, Cas. So much better than I ever even hoped. And cut the smirk, will you? Yeah, I hoped, and so did you.”

“Of course I did. And I’m happy. I want a hundred more mornings like this with you, a thousand more, a million more.”

“Shit. Cas, don’t get all…oh, all right, fine. Me too. I want that too. All the mornings like this. Even if I’m the little spoon.”

The text alert sounded then on Dean’s phone. Sam.

You two ready for coffee yet? I don’t want to barge in on your afterglow. Or your round two.

Cas took the phone and fired off a reply.

It would be round three, if you were to barge in on it. I believe if you went to get us some coffee, you’d give us time to complete our ‘afterglow’

With a puzzled look, Cas handed the phone back to Dean. “What is FML?”

And then Dean laughed, real and loud and as heartfelt as he’d sounded in a damn long while.

“Let’s just keep making out until Sam shows up with the coffee, all right?”

“Of course.”

It was absolutely NOT a chick-flick moment. Not in any fucking way.

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