So I know there are a handful of
ontd_startrek people in the Northampton/Amherst/whatever towns Hampshire and Mt. Holyoke are in area(s), and I just got the Star Trek movie trilogy boxset, and so I have decided that I must celebrate this by gathering my fellow trek lovers and watching these three awesome movies together!
In case you don't know, the three movies are Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III: Search for Spock, and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. (I have only seen the first two, so
In other words:
Important stuff
Possible dates for this are the weekend of the 13th or the 20th, depending on when people can meet. (One of these may change in the next few days, but either weekend should be okay.)
I go to Smith College, so we'll meet there (my house is really close to the bus stop, if you choose to take the bus), and I was thinking that for sustenance we'd chip in for some pizza (and fried dough, y/y?)
Obviously I have not planned this out much, so please, elaborate! Tell me what to do! Tell me I am doing it wrong or right or dumbly for doing it in my hardest semester! I know you are out there and I must meet you!