Round 1: Rules and Themes

Sep 27, 2010 19:08

- Review the community rules and info here.
- Try to keep your icons PG-13 rated. No nudity or excessive profanity, please.
- Icons must fit LJ standards: under 40kb in file size and either .png, .gif, or .jpg format.
- Do not submit any prior work. All icons should be made specifically for this contest.
- Do not use this post for submitting icons. Create a new post to the community for that.
- When posting your finished icons, post a teaser of 3 icons with a cut to the icons or a link to a post in your journal/community. Banners are okay, just try to make sure they are under 400px wide.
- All posts with icons made in an outside journal or community MUST BE UNLOCKED until the end of the round. Moderators need to be able to see the icons for setting up voting, and other people shouldn't have to join or friend you to view your icons.
- Please avoid using Tinypic! They seem to have allowed international users to see images again, but who knows when they will change that again. To make sure that everyone can see your icons, use an alternative host such as: ImageShack, Photobucket, or Flickr.
- Use the included table (below) for convenience. Feel free to change the colors/fonts if you wish.
- Leave comments on other people's icons, it's nice. Everyone likes to know that their work is appreciated!

Posting Guidelines:
- Title your post: Round 1 - YOURCLAIM
- Tag your entries as follows: round 1, entries: round 1, claim: YOURCLAIM, user: YOURUSERNAME
- Posting is moderated, so your post will have to approved before it appears in the community.

Posting access this round (if I missed you for posting access, let me know ASAP):
anaklazaro, arial, axelsonfire, cherrycolaful, christinaa88, csichick_2, donnaismygirl, emme86, erikssiren, gigi737, gingalove, goodbye_anymore, helloteacups, hollowinsidex, ibinitch, jadetiger712, kateliciously, laurasue, lemonzter, lita_cena425, lone_wo1f, lorespuff, maaandaa, miaka_zuster, misswhoever, mistressssnakey, mmaalleennkkaa, momentsofheaven, moonshinefaerie, n7of9, onlyalive8, pibloktoq, psychochick89, relyko, regularamanda, rosengrace, sarina87, scarlettm00n, sequinia, singtomepeter, svgechick, thilia, von_gelmini, x_x_emilina

The following entrants need to check their community invites:


Far AwayBlack and WhiteRedDesireMotion
Fav. MomentTouchOne WordAngerSeeing Double

5 CATEGORY - Out of the Darkness



Far Away
Black and White
Red - red should be the prominent color in the icon, whether it be a character's clothes, a texture, actual coloring, etc.
Motion - portray that the subject of your icon is in some kind of motion, how you do this is up to you :)
Favorite Moment - what is your favorite moment from your chosen movie/tv show? Or if you chose a more specific subject, what was your favorite moment that your character or pair had?
One Word
Seeing Double - your icon should have the same image twice. Examples:

icons by faded

5 CATEGORY: Out of the Darkness. Icons should go from dark to light. How you interpret this is up to you: you could use dark to light coloring, dark to light moods, a character going from a dark time in their life to a happy time, or whatever else you see fit. Be creative!

5 ARTIST'S CHOICE: Up to you :)

Claim list is here. :)

Have questions or comments about themes or anything else in this round? Feel free to leave a comment on this post.

!round info, round 1

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