Reims App

Apr 24, 2011 00:07

( fandom student application )

PLAYER: gonsai
AGE: 25
CONTACT: aim = gonsaifong

NAME: Patchouli Knowledge
CANON: Touhou Project
AGE: 15
GENDER female
YEAR IN SCHOOL Grade 9 (ms 3, but she takes mostly hs level classes)
ENROLLMENT Wealthy family

APPEARANCE: Patchouli is a small, slightly curvey (more fat than genetics), and generally unhealthy looking girl. She is usually seen wearing glasses while reading, and has lavender colored hair. She's slightly overweight, but still light enough that she could be tossed around pretty easily. (She's overweight due to her love of sweets and lack of physical activity)

PERSONALITY: Patchouli is a shut-in bookworm first and foremost. It's a key part of her character, for the most part. Because of this, her social mannerisms are a bit odd. She talks down to most people, even if only subtly, but not in a manner that's meant to insult them. It's typical of people with stunted social growth, after all, to speak incredulously in situations and not see anything at all wrong with what they're saying. Therefore, she often finds herself insulting people without realizing it. Or caring.

Beyond that, Patchouli actually is not a bad person. She only attacks people who attack her first, with the exception of those who interfere in her library. And, at times, she expresses an honest interest in forming friendships with others. However, her unwillingness to leave her comfort zone, the library, hinders this greatly. Outwardly, she acts as if this isn't something that bothers her, and even expresses surprise when people refer to her as a "friend", but in all likelihood it probably does get to her that she has so few people she considers close.

Emotionally, her strength probably lies in her ability to keep a level head in tense situations. She rarely gets worked up over anything. at least outwardly. People often come to her with their problems, hoping her immense knowledge and ability to look at things objectively will help them. However, her social awkwardness is a big factor. She has a bad habit of offending people without even trying. She will often say things completely not meant as insulting. This makes it rather difficult for her to make friends, unfortunately.

Mentally, she has very few weaknesses. However, when she IS outwitted, she often finds herself too focused on finding a means to place herself back on top and will forget what it is she's supposed to be doing. This sort of single-minded determination is another thing that can lead her to make mistakes she never would have otherwise. It's not emotionally worked up, so much as she takes her mind off of things she shouldn't.

In rare cases, she CAN become outwardly emotionally bothered to the point of looking a bit crazy. This often is due in fact to her lack of ability in expressing herself emotionally in a manner that is clear to others. Canonly, in Subeterranean Animism, Marisa Kirisame has trouble telling what Patchouli is really thinking as she tries to aid the other, given her emotional responses to some situations seem awkward or just wrong.

All in all, Patchouli is much like any nerdy shut-in type. She is interested in the things outside her comfort zone, but doesn't seem to have the chutzpah to actually pursue any of those interests.

COMPUTER APTITUDE: Most of Patchy's arrogance is shown online, and for good reason. She is an exceptional computer whiz, able to create and manipulate exceptionally complex and effective code, and seems to have an entire grimoire of programs she has created and uses regularly. However, she will rarely undertake anything that can be traced back to her, even if it's positive. She prefers to remain a True Anonymous.

WEAKNESSES (OPTIONAL): Patchouli's physical weaknesses are her greatest hurdle. She is stricken with both anemia and asthma, and never exercises. She'd stand a whelk's chance in a supernova if she were to enter any sort of physical contest, and has no athletic talent whatsoever.

AU HISTORY: Patchouli was born to a wealthy and eccentric family of book collectors. They've made their money, for the most part, in wine trading and have done so since ages down the line. The word "genius" is often used to describe the aptly named Knowledge clan, and Patchy was no exception. Advisors to businesses and governments alike, a lot of expectations were put on the girl's shoulders.

Unfortunately, Patchouli was born with several ailments inhereted from her frail yet fair mother. Thusly, while her cousins inhereted the family's work, Patchouli was instead sheltered very closely. And not even by her own very busy parents, but rather by another family they had a long standing friendship with. Raised alongside another girl, Patchouli grew up not only in poor health, but a number of deep social complexes.

Realizing Patchouli was growing up to be a shut-in, her parents decided to take a more proactive approach when the girl came of a certain age... which obviously meant shipping her off to Reims Academy, whom they were heavily invested. Patchy has spent several years there. And if anything, she's only gotten worse...




ooc, reims, app

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