Title: Flock of Words Chapter 13
Summary: Cameron's pregnant, House is having trouble dealing.
Note: Truth be told finishing this story is making me want to jump off the roof!!! This saga has been going on for far to long and it needs to end. Unfortunately I can't just stop writing it (that would be bad and I was always taught to finish what I
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Comments 12
That being said I thought it was really good. I didn't even have to look back to remind myself what was going on.
I like nice best-friend Stacy. Although I hate all the publicity she's been getting I don't hate her and your version makes me like her even more.
Wilson is such a girl asking about the sex of the baby. lmao
I could totally relate to Cam's problem with getting into the car. During my first pregnancy we had a little two seater Fierro and it took like 10 min to get in and then 20 min to get out. Don't laugh wasn't fun. ::grumble::
Smart Cam using sex to get what she wanted from House. Sometime there are only three things that get a man's attention: Food, Sports and Sex.
His seat was pushed so far back that it was going to look like Cameron was show furing him around.
Kay, don't get mad but I had a good laugh over your spelling of the word chauffering lol ( ... )
Hahaha!! I knew I had it wrong but I couldn't figure out why. This is all my spell check could come up with!!! Hahaha, I'm a moron what can I say!!!
I've had this chapter half finished for like a month so I got my ass in gear last night and finished it. I'm really going to TRY to get one chapter out a week so I can finish this damn thing!!!
I don't think this is crap at all! All the chapter fics are wrapping up at the same time. What the hell will I read when they're all gone?? Any new plot bunnies heading your way?? (hint hint)
Look for a lot of great new fics coming out around August 30th, when the H/C fic-a-thon ends. A lot of great writers are taking part!! I've got new stories bouncing into my head on a daily basis (which is part of the reason this fic is so hard to finish!!!)
Thanks for the support!!
Just wanted to say GREAT STORY! I'm looking forward to the rest of it. If he's like that now, what's going to happen when she delivers?
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