Hello, all!
The time is here where we at
veronicamarsfic are officially introducing tags to the community. Aren't you all excited? I know I am :).
In case anyone doesn't know what tags are, you should check out the
LJ FAQ on tags. Basically, when you post an entry, you can assign a "tag" to it (i.e: "logan is hot" or "superhotfic"). Then, if you want to see all of the posts with a specific tag, you either click on it in an entry, or the direct tag link, like
http://community.livejournal.com/veronicamarsfic/tag/corny, and you can see all of the entries with that tag.
I am working on going through and tagging all of the (3,300) past entries in the community. Because that will (obviously) take me some time, I thought it would be best to start community tagging NOW, so I won't be stuck in an endless cycle of catch-up :).
In this community, we've decided that from now on, each fic post should be tagged with the author's username, the fic rating, the main characters involved, the main pairing or pairings, and whether it was written for a challenge (and if so, the names of any challenges it was written for). For example, if I wrote an R-rated Logan/Veronica fic for, say, the
loveathons challenge, my fic would be tagged as: challenge response, challenge response - loveathons, logan, logan/veronica, r, sarah_p, veronica. I know that seems like a lot of extraneous tags, and that using both the pairing and characters might seem redundant, but I DO think there's a big difference to having to search through the "veronica" tag to find some Duncan/Veronica fic to read as opposed to just being able to click on a single "duncan/veronica" tag and instantly find it. Also, note that if your fic features a LOT of characters, the "ensemble" tag will be your friend.
If this is confusing, you can check out the only author who I *know* has had all of their fic tagged, to see tagging in action, at
http://community.livejournal.com/veronicamarsfic/tag/sarah_p (Because, yes, I tagged all of my fic first. It's a thing!).
All posts that pimp challenges? Should be tagged "pimp post" :). Also, all ficathons/fic exchanges/fic community fics/whatever are being tagged as "challenges" so I may keep my sanity. Hee.
Since I *am* behind on tagging, I went through the last four months or so of posts and created a tag for every author, challenge, character, and pairing I saw. If you're a new writer, or are writing for a character or pairing that there is no tag for, I'll be sure to create a tag for you. If I don't pick up on it right away, post a comment here or E-mail me (sarah_p@livejournal.com), and I'll hook you up. I'll also be keeping an eye on things, so if you're still unsure, or confused, I'll be around to help out. Because if it hasn't already been made clear, I LIKE TAGS. A LOT.
Anyone who wants to go and tag all of their back posts is most welcome to :). You'll receive cookies and my endless thanks. Also, if you go back and find that I've MIStagged any of your posts, by all means, tweak them. I did my best using the fic subject lines (See how important they are?), but, seriously, I've done a LOT of tagging in the last few days, and even I am prone to errors. I know, it's hard for me to believe sometimes, too :).
(As a note, all tags are done alphabetically, ie: Logan/Veronica, not Veronica/Logan. Beaver is tagged as "Cassidy," because that's the name he prefers, and I want to keep him happy. For that same reason, Mac is "Mac" and not "Cindy." Baby Lilly is "Lilly 2.0." Butters is still "Butters" because I like it better than Vincent. And I don't think people remember his real name. Okay? Also important is the fact that LJ won't allow a tag to start with an underscore (_). If your username fits into that category, the tag will be your username minus the beginning underscore. So "__cornyrocks__" would be tagged as "cornyrocks__", "_susanvanlowe" turns into "susanvanlowe".)
I think that's it. Please let me know if there are any questions (either via comments to this post or by E-mail), and enjoy the SUPER!HOT!NEW!ORGANIZATION. This is going to revolutionize the community, people! Searching at the click of a button! It's a thing of beauty!
As a side note, I STRONGLY urge everyone here to make sure you're familiar with the posting guidelines that are stated in the community userinfo. Posts with incorrect subject and header information will be deleted, which is a pain for EVERYONE involved. If everyone posts correctly, though, we all win :).
Let the tagging begin!