Title: Pain 1/1
Author: Sophia_bee
Pairing/Character: L/L, V/L, Logan POV
Word Count: 1588
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Logan has learned that pain and pleasure are inextricably linked together.
Spoilers/Warnings:1x18, language, references to sex, adult themes
Author Note: Back to darkness and angst. Comments welcome and appreciated. :)
It was like the ending of a bad movie: the sting of iodine against the cuts across his back; tragic tears wetting Lynn’s cheeks as she gently cleaned his wounds between sips of gin and tonic )
Comments 44
Thank you!
Kissing her was different thank kissing Lilly.
I think an extra K snuck in after "than".
One minor thing. I was not sure if this was intended or a typo but it was the only point I stumbled in my reading:
Logan would remember as he sat on his bed that night, staring into his dark room, picturing his face as she opened the door, that Veronica had lost her mother as well.
Should it be "picturing her face"?
Thanks for your fantastic comments. I feel a huge amount of sympathy for the character of Logan - outside V., he's the one who has experienced the most hell.
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