Title: The Interrogation
Author: Princess Orchid
Pairings: None really - L/V if anything
Rating: R, because people die. Not in a nice way, either. And I swear.
Spoilers: All 3 seasons, just to be safe
Summary: There's a serial killer in Neptune! It's post-finale, and someone's been put on the naughty step
Warnings: People die, and it gets slightly
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Comments 9
And the fact I got to kill off Madison? Total bonus!
I think I love you.
Fic - the only way to kill off people you don't like without getting arrested... ;-)
I think I love you! Piz as an emo stalker and you killed Parker, Madison and Lianne! I just needed to repeat that. Heee. The only one that hurt is Lianne, because I know that will bother Veronica the most, but I hate Parker and Madison enough to have cheered when I figured out it was them he killed!
And yeah, killing Madison and Parker made me very happy. I don't think I'm psycho at all for saying so! ;-)
I think you know my feelings about Piz (there's a lot of unsupressed anger), but I thought killing him off would be too easy. Don't get me wrong, I'd do it in a heartbeat...But fucked up psycho emo stalker Piz? I didn't want there to be any chance anyone would feel sorry for the little fucker!
Sad that Lianne died. That would hit Veronica hard. And I actually liked Parker-although she did bug in the last few episodes- so its a bummer that she died.
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