Rotten Luck, Keith, Kendall PG-13

Aug 14, 2006 22:52

Title: Rotten Luck (1/5)
Author: logane112
Characters: Keith, Kendall
Word count: 355
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Keith takes Kendall's case
Spoilers: Not Pictured
Warnings: None at this point. Some graphic vioelence might come up in the next parts.
Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine. Rob Thomas owns them all. Worship him.

He's sitting in his car outside Liam Fitzpatrick's apartment at four in the morning, and wondering how he got himself into this mess.
He hopes Veronica will forgive him. that she would understand. He remembers that when Kendall Casablancas entered his office, he was about to throw her out.
"I need you to do something for me." and the mixture of desperation and urgency in her voice stopped him from doing that.
"I'll be back in a week and at that time I'll be happy to-"
"I need it right now." she said, sounding even more desperate and putting her briefcase on his desk.
"Sorry, Mrs. Casablancas but I'm meeting my daughter in an hour."
"I think you'll change your mind." she reached to open her briefcase, and Keith stared at the contents. Inside were piles of files, some written in what Keith recognized as Cliff's handwriting.
"Like I said, it's important."
"Have a seat." Keith said, and offered her one of the chairs.
"You mind telling me how that got into your hands?" he asked. Kendall tensed a little.
"I-- pulled some strings- for Aaron Echolls" the realization hit Keith.
"Of course. You planted the Oscar." Kendall looked down. Almost ashamed.
"Liam did. Aaron paid him to do it. We bribed the judge."
"And after all your hard work, Aaron went and got himself killed. Bummer for you." Keith sat down. . "The thing is, now that Aaron's dead Liam wants the briefcase and the money I was paid." Keith scoffed.
"Why would he need the briefcase?"
"He didn't say. but he's willing to kill me for it." Kendall was tense again.
"I need you to get me leverage against him." Keith nodded.
"I'll get on it as soon as I can." and Kendall left the office. Keith pulled out his cell phone and dialed Veronica's number, he waited a few minutes and when she didn't answer, he dialed another number and left a message.
"Hey, It's me. We need to talk. It's urgent."
Keith started to inspect the files in the briefcase, and the first ones he looked over were Logan Echolls' murder case files.

logane112, kendall, keith, pg-13

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