POTC PWP - "Abrupt"

Dec 19, 2009 10:49

So, a short smutty idea that came to me in my modern AU with Jack and Will, taking place in the "Uncle" timeline that you can find here. (You don't have to read them, but this might make more sense if you do.)

title: "Abrupt"
rating: NC-17, M
pairing: Jack/Will
disclaimer: I don't own them or turn (or even Turner) a profit off their portrayals
summary: A smutty PWP in bed. Not difficult to summarize at all. :-)
a/n: Unbetaed - but spellchecked!

For several minutes upon waking from his short nap, Jack kept his eyes closed, concentrating on the sensation of hair that was not his own pressed to his chin. He parted his lips experimentally a few times, to feel the strands slide against his sensitive skin.

The man’s scent filled his nose, sweaty and smoky and laced with skin-heated soap. Jack didn’t realize his hand was moving until he felt a few slight bumps beneath his fingertips as he slowly stroked up from the indent just above Will’s waist toward his shoulder blade. His palm cupped the skin, still hot and flush with a light sweat, and he lightly made a return trip down the side of Will’s back, stopping to press his fingers into the tight fleshiness of one buttock.

He felt a muffled sigh against his neck and a small, contented noise, and couldn’t resist smiling. Even asleep, Will seemed terribly sensitive to touch - Jack almost hadn’t believed he wasn’t a virgin. After he’d taken the younger man somewhat roughly on the kitchen floor, they’d gotten up and stumbled into Jack’s bedroom, where he’d fucked Will much more slowly from behind, the body writhing beneath him as Will spread his legs further and moaned eagerly for Jack.

The heat of their second coupling still washed around Jack; he didn’t know how long they’d slept, as he couldn’t see a clock from this angle, but he guessed it hadn’t been quite half an hour. Will’s top leg was thrown over his thigh; Jack gave in to an uncharacteristic urge to press a kiss to the top of his lover’s head and wrap his arms tighter around the body within. He was still processing what had happened earlier - the need to touch Will had overridden his common sense, and he wasn’t sure he cared at the moment what Bill and Sabie would think of him defiling their younger child this way. Ever since that drunken kiss over two years ago in Connecticut, he’d been going, moving, working, putting Will and everything associated with him - except his father, with whom Jack had stayed in sporadic contact even through his undercover work - out of his mind.

Except Will hadn’t been off his mind. Ever. The taste of his skin and tongue, the surprise and welcome in his dark eyes at Jack’s willing kisses, had followed him into two countries and a handful of brief sexual encounters with other men and women. The first time he realized who he was really seeing when he stared deeply into a conquest’s eyes while fucking her, it had nearly thrown off his rhythm and pacing - but it had done nothing to diminish his erection or need. The craving had, quite undetected, grown over the years - and so had Will when Jack saw him again. Gone was any trace of the childish roundness of a new adult, replaced by sharper angles, broad features, and more muscular definition. His best friend’s son had begun aging well - and Jack had been dismayed initially to find himself in the throes of a crazy attraction to someone he had no business wanting.

He didn’t realize at first that Will was awake, until he focused and felt the nuzzling. Light kisses touched his throat, and he silently obeyed when Will butted his large nose up under his chin, arching his head back and feeling a wet tongue trace up over his Adam’s apple. Jack swallowed reflexively and felt himself growing hard again. His mouth was suddenly dry as the licking turned into kisses that trailed back down to his collarbone. He didn’t resist as Will turned him slightly, onto his back, and moved down, lapping gently at his left nipple.

Jack sucked in air and his hips twitched. Will licked and sucked and blew, earning a hairful of Jack’s hands against his scalp, squeezing gently and releasing over and over. He rocked his hips, delighted and a bit overwhelmed to feel Will’s not-inconsiderable cock sliding against and over his own. When Will raised his head and moved up his body, gazing down into Jack’s eyes, Jack swallowed again at the depth of passion in the younger man’s expression. “Ready again so soon?” he murmured conversationally, wondering if he was supposed to feel this comfortable with someone after only two fuckings.

“I could ask the same of you.” Will’s lips twitched in a burgeoning grin, sexy beyond all good sense. He leaned forward on his elbows, his forearms haloing Jack’s head on the pillow, and kissed the tip of Jack’s nose. “I want inside you,” he muttered, graceless in desire. “I … need to feel you around me, tight, the way I was around you. Jack …” He nudged his hips.

If the idea of penetrating the man Jack had known since boyhood had given him pause, the notion of the reverse did nothing of the sort. An almost crippling want raced through his bloodstream, to be slowly and thoroughly filled and sated by the messy-haired Adonis watching him, waiting for permission. Will’s fingers laced in Jack’s hair as he lightly rubbed the top of his head. In answer, Jack hooked his left heel around the back of Will’s, then moved it higher along Will’s calf, bending his leg to bracket Will’s.

Shifting his weight, Will withdrew his right arm and reached back to grip Jack’s thigh, stroking it boldly. “That’s it,” he gasped, angling his head to kiss Jack. “Put your legs around me, oh God. That’s what I’ve wanted for years.”

He was mumbling against Jack’s lips, his kiss no less distracted for the nonsense noises they both made. Will forced his tongue into Jack’s mouth, past his teeth, and licked around and around, taking his breath away. Their bodies continued to search for a joint rhythm as their skin slid and brushed and warmed one another. Jack knew they wouldn’t last so Will could move off and find a condom, and he wasn’t willing to feel their bodies parted.

Somehow, they wordlessly, jointly decided to save Will’s wish for later, and instead focused on moving together. Dicks rubbed and brushed, balls slid across each other, and the two men’s breathing came more raggedly as they resorted to open-mouthed kisses so they could breathe. Somewhere off in the recesses of the house, Jack heard one of their cell phones ringing, but ignored it in favor of listening to Will’s panting and the noises they both made as their bodies raced to climax. “C’mon, give it to me,” Jack growled, wrapping his other leg around Will’s hip. “Come on, love …”

The fleeting softness in Will’s eyes was worth the momentary lapse of language, and not for the first time Jack wondered if he really could love someone enough to give up everyone else for him. It would be the ultimate irony, if it turned out he’d spent more than half his life with that person already, even helping shape him into who he was.

And then he had no more time to think, the moment - seconds - upon him as Will bit his lower lip and narrowed his eyes at Jack, warm, wet spurts bathing his cock as Will released. He thought of sleeping again with Will across him, on him, in all ways - weight, taste, scent, heat - and tightened his nails into Will’s back as he too came, while Will himself still shuddered with the force of ejaculation.

Eventually, their kisses resumed, more relaxed. Jack could feel the shake in Will’s limbs as he lowered himself off his elbows and arranged himself only halfway on Jack’s body. “What brought that on?” he murmured.

“Probably a decade or so of unfulfilled longing,” Will mumbled into Jack’s neck. “Oh - and you fucking me earlier, yeah.”

He laughed, smoothing Will’s damp hair. “I’m a real inspiration that way.”

Will turned his head sideways, pressing his cheek to Jack’s upper chest, and he thought he heard the younger man murmur, through a yawn, “You have no idea.”
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