POTC drabble: "Tectonics"

Nov 11, 2009 03:06

title: "Tectonics"
rating: G
post-AWE Will Turner
disclaimer: None of it's mine, but boy howdy, I'd take both.
summary: In 1912, Alfred Wegener put forth the theory of plate tectonics. This is long before then.
a/n: Tectonics have ruled my interest for far longer than young Turner's been around. (Sorry, pktaxwench, this isn't your story - but maybe I can write you another off of this you can work with ... I have an idea ...)

Amazed, the new captain watches the blood-orange mass crawl along the trench. Fiery blob tendrils hiss into chilled water; he hears the unbelievable, even here among the crush of pressure, as clearly as he feels the warmth of lava. There’s no danger to his supernatural ship … just the same, the memory of pinpricks singed into his flesh keeps Will Turner at a distance, watching the ocean floor buckle and fold and ... wobble?

He’s been transfixed for some time, apparently, because Maccus prods, “Captain?”

Will shakes his head, curiosity ignited. “Now that’s one hell of a forge,” he murmurs reverently.
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