Title: Frontier
Rating: G, even with implied J/W slash
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters herein and make no profit from their manipulation.
Summary: For the
potc100 prompt "Ten Years Later." Several months ago I read
a story penknife wrote about the Dutchman in space, and it combined nicely with my own thoughts about what would happen if the Earth dries up in two billion years as some scientists project.
Ten years after the end of Earth was … simply ten years later for the everchanging crew of the now literal Flying Dutchman.
Humans were closer to the mundane secret of Everything. Understanding hovered; superstition, relegated to children’s tales.
Yet, the Dutchman embodied a bubble of necessary belief, even among the stars. Eventual desperation for Death’s rescue never changed. Need for comfort never changed. Love waned, spiked … but never changed for the captain and his slyfox first mate, vial of long-scorched Floridian elixir hanging about his neck.
When its last drop and drinker were gone, Death would seek himself.