Title: "A Moment of Peace"
Rating: G (for grimy)
Summary: Gibbs finally finds a place to rest, but ... damn interlopers! Silly drabble for the
blackpearlsails prompt of "Bed."
Disclaimer: No profit made, not owned by me.
Warm, lumpy, and altogether squishy, Joshamee turned onto his back and scooched down into the bed, ignoring the goopy suctioning mud at the back of his drawers.
A small creature tried to muscle beside him; even in somnolence, he batted it away, frowning. A tiny squeal protested - he ignored it. Let those pink freeloaders find their own resting-place. He’d nabbed this one fair!
He barely heard the gravel of his own distant snoring before a thousand pinpricks of liquid torture smacked him full in the whiskers. “Curse ye for breathin’, ye slack-jawed idiot!” he hollered, flailing up off the sow.