So like, we're starting with a shot of the money farm. I hate money trees, but I usually never use my sims aspiration points...so I blew all of Bekah's and Charlie's (all 250,000 of them) on money trees. I didn't keep them. After they were harvested they got deleted. Sure, I could've kept 'em, but where's the fun in that? ;p
I woke Bekah up in the dead of night and sent her outside.
She finished harvesting the trees around 6:30.
Not bad Bekah.
Not bad.
Charlie is mocking me. He is the biggest troll in my game.
Super cool thanks Boniform (
alleliua )!
How nice. Rushton (
alleliua ) is just a nice guy.
..I'm always baffled when I get this popup and it's the first generation of a family and there are no relative.
She reminds me so much of Bekah.
Woah! Romana! What happened to your hair man! Time to visit a barber.
Aw, they're doing their homework together.
But...uh..Nanette is helping Eleanor with her homework instead of the other way around.
FINALLY. I caught one of these damn pictures.
Third times the charm.
It's Tuesday!
First heirloom.
Man, she doesn't even know that asteroids are about to hit the land.
C'mon Eleanor, have a little faith in your sister!
So, like that I guess? I don't experiment with elevations, don't judge me!
Hellooo Elspeth (
alleliua )!
Charlie, you're so charming man.
I love Elspeth.
Ooh...that might be a problem.
Rock paper scissors is harmless, right?
A+ parenting.
Charlie makes the best faces.
Second heirloom.
She doesn't look bad for a mother of three who's nearing the age of 50.
Eleanor: Dad, I just want you to know that I think it's really lame that you write in a diary.
Charlie: And I want you to know that hamsters eat their offspring that annoy them.
Oh dear, Eleanor, it seems you have some growths on your face.
Charlie, to the bone.
This seems familiar.
Charlie's. Freakin. Faces.
Also: I just realized that his brows are pyrotechnic while his hair is explosive, oops.
Heeeeeey Elspeth...
Charlie is a troll.
Look at Jes (
alleliua ) being all nature-y and stuff.
I'll tell you what we're not: literary majors.
Carina pretty much adores her older sisters. She's close to becoming BFF's with both of them..while her parents..eh...
Bekah has shirked her responsibility in regards to cleaning and gardening. She still cooks, but only because she knows that her family just loves her grilled cheese.
Nanette: This hallway is too crowded, you guys need to leave! :D
lol, Charlie
Still so studious.
toddler wiggling...you know what this means!
Yeah, thanks to her sisters, she didn't grow up completely awful.
How many of you will jump boat Nanette NOW?
Nanette: This is nice, right? Two sisters eating a leftover breakfast of grilled cheese in their jammies. This is great.
Eleanor: You gonna eat that?
This, ladies and gentlemen, is Charlie maximizing his creativity skill.
If you see this title and remember the plotpoints, say spoon in your comment.
Am I funny yet.
Apparently the simpublic is easily placated.
With his book royalty money, Charlie bought Bekah a ring! Yay wedding bells or something!
Eleanor still doesn't get it, and Nanette still gets everything.
This counts as two because I forgot to buy one for Thursday? Is that even applicable? If it's not, it's fine because after this I forgot to take pictures of the heirlooms so I'll have to put them in the next update :p
Charlie and Bekah.
At work.
At the same time.
On the same day.
It's a Christmas miracle, Batman!
Sisterly bonding while watching tv.
My sister and I bonded so great when watching tv together.
Are you getting the sarcasm?
Carina has bogarted Bekah's bed. She doesn't have her own bed, where else would she sleep?
This is familiar in a kind of weird and backwards way.
Carina is trying to follow in her father's footsteps. She's much more artistically inclined than her sisters.
Oh..um..that's cute, I guess.
Oh, I bet.
This is how I keep Bekah platinum though. She makes like 5 or 6 group servings of grilled cheese, puts them away as leftovers, and whenever someone eats them she gets the 2500 points from "make grilled cheese for sim."
Halfway through her delicious grilled cheese, Bekah comes to the realization that she doesn't know who the smallest one is.
Oh sure, now that you and Bekah are in a committed relationship, you're gonna have sex with someone else. Awesome.
But ugh why.
Nanette: Are we going to acknowledge that the woman we just heard was not mom?
Eleanor: Just keep swimming...just keep swimming...just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...wait, what?
Mid-life crisis lay, maybe?
I'm gonna regret this, but Carina wanted it.
And she even has the appropriate outfit!
Charlie still looks awesome!
Yeah, I can't believe that Charlie would cheat on Bekah for any reason other than a midlife crisis. Problem being that I don't think Elspeth will be ignored.
Get the reference?
see you soon, maybe, finals are going for the next few weeks! Lots of studying!