Summary: Naruto is a young boy who tragically loses his parents and as a result has to move in with his new adoptive family - the Uchiha family. How will his relationship with young Sasuke develop as they grow up? AU, multi-chapter.
Warning: This is a yaoi fanfiction. If you are offended by that or if you are not the proper age, don’t read.
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Comments 6
Okay...! for a moment there i thought that the truck will hit itachi and that it was a message from Orochimaru to fugaku to back off. Phew!!
I guess we are on the romance for Itachi now? will he ever travel? Hinata? Isnt she rather quiet for our repressed 1st born? Hmmm! Questions abound.
The initial plan I had for him didn't include love, but a reader suggested I introduce Hinata in his life, so after some thinking I figured it wasn't so difficult to alter my initial plan in order to include her.
Thanks for reading and reviewing
I also like sweet Sasuke as opposed to mean and vengeful Sasuke. I'm glad you like the plot of Growing up. It is my first multi-chapter and I was very impressed at how well it has been received.
Thank you so much for reading my work and for leaving this wonderful review - I must confess I was feeling a little down when I was reading it, but by the time I finished I was feeling tones better. Thank you and read on! xoxo
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