Every season holds something dear to me. For Spring, and April/May especially, it would be fresh greenery and fragrant lilac, things I associate strongly with second wave of adorations for Bleach. It's funny, but I was convinced I watched the series in Spring - how could I forget that I've spent hours and hours in the Autumn of 2006 devouring
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Comments 11
I agree whole-heartedly.
As for the toe, I'm sorry. I hope you will feel better soon and be able to walk again :) During such a fine weather it's a sin to stay home (says person who started to walk to and fro work on April 1st) ^^
Thanks! I actually feel much better now and I think I'll be able go return to Warsaw on time :) I used some magnetic device to heal it and surprisingly, it seems to be working. I agree, I love the weather too! I'm trying to take a walk every evening now, as here in small town of Greater Poland land is so flat it allows for a nice view of sky ; ) Sunsets are very pretty here.
Tak czy siak, czy przypadkiem nie dostałaś ode mnie zlecenia na niego? ;> I kilka innych... :P
Na Shinjiego nie, dostałam zlecenie na Ulquiorrę, którego aktualnie wykonuję - specjalnie wzięłam ze sobą tablet i się nie pomyliłam, wen dopisuje ^^ Ale ponieważ jestem tak katastrofalnie opóźniona, z największą chęcią dołączę także Shinjiego ^^
Stęskniłaś się za Ukitake? ;)
Tak jakoś sam z siebie wyszedł ten Ukitake, choć ostatnio czytałam więcej fanfików o Uraharze i Shinjim ^^
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