cutie fashion spree 3 updates

May 27, 2007 22:03

all orders consolidated. mass email sent. 
pls check below if u cant open the excel file.

orders sent to supplier. awaiting reply. =)

they just replied.. duno why they're taking so long just to tell me to use their new format for ordering.. i've to consolidate again~! lols.. will send them latest by tml =.= sorry girls.

sent the new list to cutie last nite..

cutie replied. will exchange the money asap and send out. =)

money sent =)

concealed cash received =)

if u think the spree is taking too long. u can check my cutie fashion spree 2 status. till now some of the items are still restocking. so wat do u expect for tis spree?  of cos items are restocking too.. pls dun expect too much from me.. i did my part to rush the supplier, email them frequently.. all the replies i get is ter's items still restocking. unless u girls wanna sacrifice those fellow shoppers who got their items restocking still.. if tt's the case i'll ask the supplier to refund for those restocking items. is tt wat u girls wan? i'll gladly do so.. do post ur opinions after logging in with ur ljnick. thanks =)

haven receive any news from the supplier yet. and she haven reply my mail abt the restocking items.


cutie din mention which items is still restocking.. i assume ter's still quite a lot. =/ boo.

okay. updates~ 
cutie said ter are some oos items not restocking anymore.. i'm not taking alternatives. cos it will just slow down the spree further.. so i'll refund tis ppl first. i'll refund to the account that u stated in the spreepage itself. =)

the affected:
imrouge / Adeline - ((Cutie Fashion ))【083659】0517圓舞曲‧清純派素面襯衫(白粉)290
star_bling/ Xiao Ling - ((Cutie Fashion ))【A94076】校園生活‧露背連帽長版口袋背心(紅黑白粉)特190
magixluv/huiling - ((Cutie Fashion ))【093132】校園生活‧簡單主義單縐領口素面棉洋(黑灰)290
royalchoc / yvonne - ((Cutie Fashion ))【A27001】0517圓舞曲‧設計感~大v交叉長版背心(黑米粉藍)特190  
washmycar/ isabel - ((Cutie Fashion ))【A27001】0517圓舞曲‧設計感~大v交叉長版背心(黑米粉藍)特190
jewlly/ Jewl - ((Cutie Fashion))【086031】玩樂街頭‧春季氣氛印花短袖襯衫(藍粉2色)290

i'll see if we can try not to incur gst for out items. cos it's over S$400 =/ but pls take note that it might incur gst. i'll ask when the supplier is sending out. cos if it clash with my exam period 13-24Aug, i'm afraid that i'll have to hold on the items first. =/ pls understand. thanks.

imrouge /Adeline$15.63POSBSavings131266723       star_bling/XiaoLing$21.86POSB savings 131 41002 6magixluv/huiling$15.63POSB Savings 120-93204-7 royalchoc / yvonne$10.93dbs saving plus0180055956washmycar/ isabel $11POSB savings 119-74402-4jewlly/ Jewl$15.63POSB Savings 175-39940-2
received cutie's reply.. items will be rechecked to ensure the correct no. of items etc. they say will pack and send it out before next wed.. meaning it will clash with my exam period. so pls be understanding. i'll pack and send out asap after my exams. thanks =)

17 Aug
items arrived at my house =)

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