Inception fanfic is like browser tabs. No, scratch that, it's like TABS OF TV TROPES. Which are like... actually, I don't know the metaphor in English. wait, it's not a metaphor, it's just a comparison. /who's just thought of one XKCD comic, raise your hand
what I mean to say, I just-- I read 5, and 25 resurface! how do I keep up! and not screw my
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Comments 4
(although... no, I've seen it. but it's angsty! I've been kinda... IDK. cautious with my angst lately. Don't know what it is.)
BUT I WILL. i swear!
but, yeah. I actually love angst, and I love bittersweetness even more, it's just. lately. IDK, maybe there's been enough angst in my own life so now everything I want from fanfiction is happiness. Not like I only read happy fics nowadays, not at all, just... uh. i don't know.
but I'll read it :)
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